I literally just finished uni two weeks ago. Feels amazing, now im working full time in an architects practice (where i did my placement) forced 3k outta them extra a year on pay, so im sitting pretty at the moment. Greatest thing i did was stuck on at sixth form when i was going to give up, and then going to university when i was going to give up. I would hate to try a year out then back to college/school/uni etc, it just would be a severe slog and i would have such lack of motivation. I hope those that want to just 'bum' about, decide against it. Might as well get a good education now, and not suffer later, and chances are you WILL NOT be able to make a living out of riding, so dont just think school is a waste of time, it certainly aint. Im looking to get a 2.1 BSC Hons in Architectural Technology, suppose ill find out soon enough though . cheers