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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. i did 3.51675 to the power of 2000, millimeters.
  2. i dont use v brakes, mine are radio brakes, controlled by the frequencies in my head. so when i pull my brake levers i have to think about braking as well, but they are seriously MAZIN
  3. try-alls have some of THE WORST 'BOUNCE' ever, they are the most dead feeling tyre ever.... mmaxxis for the win, im tryin a hansventure just now. so will let u know
  4. probably one of mine....im mr helpful ill have u know
  5. Ill be up with duncan and waynio
  6. rowan u monkey, i thought i was going to be first to mention it. there choice of helmet is possibly the worst haha. protec for the lose
  7. go on boon. i agree with the matt meister. i dont go big, in fact i imagine thre are folk on here who can go bigger, but i have a deal, and like people are sayin dan, sponsorship is two way, there are things you need to do other than videos....
  8. yer i kinda agree a little with what ali is saying dan (dont tell him i said that), but seriously you dont have to go off real high things to be a decent rider.....you obviously have the balls, which i wish i did, but a little consideration for yourself and your riding wouldnt go a miss. Dont get angry at what im sayin, just something i think. Its all well and good trying to go big, but those who are at the top of that game (damon and tunni) do it with grace in comparison to some riders (myself included), thats what sets them out from the rest of us. Just have a think about it, recover from your ankle injury, and consider that maybe you dont need to be 10ft off the ground to gap that far, and find some gaps that are slightly harder because the drop between them is so good. Also, as your probably going to go back and try that gap again (i would as well), get a better shot of it, your so far away from it, it looks pish.
  9. ben_travis


    beau, get the mid rise echo - 130mm x 15° for BB Rise 20-50mm - http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=123 and as you can see, used by both me and damon. I love mine , have had it on since the high bb adamant days, wouldnt use any other stem.
  10. Enjoy it sir, OZ was the best holiday i ever had. you will love it
  11. google ??/ http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=get+songs...lient=firefox-a
  12. they ride sweet too.....
  13. and i thought topics could not reach a new low. but my god some of you kids must be reallly really really bored on your summer holidays eh..
  14. Why not just ring him in the first place then you dont have to go through all of this and you find out the answer straight away? ben
  15. Ive ridden both. and both ride well, but im biased and would say the CZAR. Damons bike does ride good though
  16. Half of you young uns are so naive, get over it, like someone up there said, its your job, your paid to do it. Working in a shop is one of the shittest jobs ever, thats why the pay isnt amazing, its the bottom of the rung. Thats where everyone starts, get on with it, you will one day get better and probably get a better job, hence why its suggested you stay in education to gain yourself a career......
  17. but even if he didnt rowan, it counts as making it......
  18. which area am i making it down to....leeds or brizzle.....and when? add me to msn u dirty southerner - biketrialsmedia@hotmail.com
  19. OI JUDDERS. next time u organise one of these dirty street rides. Get me told....
  20. u are a bit rubbish though matt , me and u should be on team rubbish.... edit: ...but only cos my style of riding is boring and repetitive *yawn*
  21. i like you dave, u say things out loud that im thinking. i think the TF tape measure is used more than it has ever been now a days. if it feels big to you, feel happy, you dont have to boast about it. im sick of inch counting, and although some would argue that inch pinchin is my style of riding, i just go out to ride my bike and improve on what i think i have done before. simple
  22. not much room to play with on that badass though. as a cheat you could sidehop to back wheel onto the wood in the middle and off haha
  23. Hello ladies.... Well to shut people who dont know what they are sayin in this topic up, here is my 2 pence. I have had my heatsink v-brake adapters on both my stock and my mod, work fine, no clearance issues i can see as yet. I have a CZAR stock and CZAR mod with the v-brakes on the rear. there are 3 bolt holes on the bottom of the adapters so that these can be 'adapted' to fit all sorts of frame. Im not even going to start on how well made they are....but i would recommend them cheers ben
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