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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. will probably ride like my CZAR does, if so its mazin.... but, appearance is erm.....personal preference to be P.C
  2. go on boon lad, love it....
  3. ben_travis


    Dirty southern monkey..... liked it sammy boy. get a long video out, NOW
  4. its the only video on there....try refreshing?
  5. So new video here, cheers to the usual guys - tarty, deng, steve @ heatsink. Here is a youtube link and a tv.isg.si link is uploaded it will be at - http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/ben@hulltrials then go to > Ben Travis - Czar.mov any comments welcome.
  6. by the looks of it u could take apart an old mech to use the one from there???
  7. Duncan Shaw is selling one.... http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....p;#entry1343889
  8. Rowan, U still running a front echo 07 rim on ur rear wheel? How it hold up? Also what front rim u got?
  9. ben_travis


    danny mac 1 - danny mac 2 - danny mac 3 - probably plenty o g-turns in here
  10. rowan, ur a mentalist, and possibly one of my favourite riders. I say possibly, cos i want to know if you run a smooth rim.... and if u do.......why? haha, just messing. sweet video, but can u tell me ur rear brake set up dawg?>
  11. no what ur doing is being a dick....he didn't come across as being a dick....you should go back and try re-word his sentence more politely so that it doesnt offend you. come back when u have done that, and see if everyone else thinks that it could still be read wrong. remember - tone of voice does not come across over the internet. so take a chill pill min
  12. every girl i meet now, im going to give a piggy back...
  13. i spotted a dirty drop gap in there berridge...... you will have to apologise for that im afraid. OH TAKING IT BACK TO THE OLD DAYS,
  14. how did you not get my 60foot manual line, into bunnyhop gap, into 360 tailwhip drop in there.......man. Will have to get back down to weegie land and get those lines i did on camera.
  15. min, i think u need to rotate the pictures, very annoying but some cool riding, shame i missed it, had to go help my missus out :|
  16. what a hassle to get a video. i havent seen it, but ooooooo bet its sick. why not just put it on youtube...? DOnt give me this pish that the quality is crap
  17. just run longer cables? danny mac stylee? or you hoping for more than one spin of the bars?
  18. your even better bessel go on damon, u sick b*****d
  19. ben_travis

    Ross M Clips

    inverness is such a dump
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