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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. ring em up, and say, oi u feckin bastards. sort me out, im fat pants, dont you know who i am. sure that will get u sorted out
  2. or you could just get some echo urbans with v-brake mounts? but, just realised that your getting a 24
  3. danny mac uses them i think jonny? at least he was wearing similar to the brown ones on the weekend
  4. unless it doesnt grip the pedal....
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFELozDdZiI thats more than an attempt
  6. Danny Mac stays in edinburgh (doesn't use the forum) Hamish (balfa on here) Strath (Rumplestiltskin on here) Duncan Shaw (Duncan@scotland on here i think) A few glasgow area riders Ross Mac (glasvagas on here) just a few of us up in aberdeen as well
  7. It would appear so....jesus, but i reckon he is 'hucking over it'???
  8. I took that picture of duffus
  9. sweet as f**k boys. loved it
  10. tut tut neill. not even up on th tv.isg.si site yet, monkey better be good, or ill get the heavies on you
  11. Sweet pics hamish Ill be naughty again and ask for some high res ones on a cd when i see you next? I reckon edinburger next...
  12. partz. i got a truvativ gigapipe bb from adam, and he measured the fit with the following set up and it came out with like 0.25mm clearance. its working nicely, but i think u will have trouble wiht your eno. czar cranksczar bashecho freewheeltruvativ gigapipe bb
  13. http://www.norco.com/crux-dvd-starring-ryan-leech/# TEASER SIX SHOULD BE IS UP TODAY
  14. poopipe dont regret touchin boobies though, so i wouldnt either, i stroked our receptionists by accident today. felt fun haah
  15. You may have some snacks now muchos lurve.... was just windin u up though, basher haha
  16. Some truly amazing photography mike really, really, really impressed
  17. adam, On the home page, when u click page 8 (in firefox) it brings up the news right, but the numbers then become -7, -6, -5, -4 etc, its random.... like this |< | << | PREV | -7 | -6 | -5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | NEXT | >> | >|
  18. this thread is shit. stop arguin, who cares how high yuo can sidehop. just ride ur bike. jeez
  19. Gav, My intention, if i were you, is to get something built right by the rocks everyone rides when they are down there. as part of the sea front. Would probably be the best location and amazing Keep checking the thread in trials pics to get some help. Suppose you do live near ashton, so bet he will have some ideas
  20. ben_travis


    haha, didnt mean it like that. All the riders are awesome anyway, that goes without sayin, some sick lines in there. but, its jonny's video, and im more impressed everytime he puts out a video. just gets better and better. I need someone like you to film me for my videos.
  21. ben_travis


    Well there are two or three filmers and editors that i feel to be the best at getting the riding lookin good, as well as the rest of the video being amazing as well. Your definately in there jonny lad. Amazing. I want HD camera (/Neanderthal)
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