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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. Thats 17:15 on there, but i think he has changed it now...
  3. Im going to static it soon enough. Its f**king HUGE. not an easy gap
  4. hmmmm, my pictures are too rude for you guys ill see if i have any actually
  5. Three words LOOKS f**kING AWESOME
  6. and will you learn to post in the correct sub-forums please...
  7. but you live in ireland, and no one wants to live there
  8. Just a wee bump for the weekend
  9. Wayne, will you suggest to hope, about making a RIM brake, using there lever that they have now? That would be sweet, and then id be tempted back to using a hydraulic rim brake
  10. ben_travis

    New Tra Hd Video

    Tom, what brake set up are you using on your rear
  11. nice ridin leon, look forward to it, i do like these streety vids. Cant wait to see the full video, and the PACE looks awesome
  12. disagree with the better parts comment... although i would say that wouldnt i
  13. Is anyone else bored of this yet? Lets turn this into a UCI street vs. a BMX street argument!, not sure why, might just be funny
  14. I stopped reading them cos its people like this that f**k up our world.....IN my opinion.... how can there be no such thing as gravity....its all about how much sin a planet has. pricks
  15. Hey guys, Ill be in glasgow this weekend seein the missus.....She is working during the day on saturday so id like to get out on my bike please.... some one join me. I also want to ride new places please....i dont care if its a rough area, lets go find new lines.... Meet George Square at 11..... text me if you like 07812 654370
  16. ben_travis

    New Tra Hd Video

    Loving the HD tom, looks sweet. SOME SICKLY RIDING AS WELL.....dispicable, what you can do on a bike EDIT: The beard looks hot.....
  17. Whats the point in drinking a drink that tastes like shit........ they are both pish
  18. Here are Best of Vincent 2007 with boxx & Coust Brothers at Istres vidi in DL version http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/photobysergio
  19. Come on dave, get that danny mac video up online......you have made me wait since OCTOBER
  20. If you can, make the trip to glasgow....LOADS more riding. My missus stays in glasgow at the moment, so ill be down there next weekend i think. so get on a train and get yourself accross?
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