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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. you need to answer your texts and get out on your bike when we do text but seriously man. dont ask trials-forum for things like this (there have been some helpful replies) but it doesnt get you anywhere. one point someone made though....change your lifestyle...change what reminds you of that family loss. The unfortunate thing is that everyone will pass away at some point. they wouldnt have wanted you to be down about their passing. Instead, celebrate them having a good life. Your young, your going through ur teenage years....everything is shit in your teenage years. Just wait till you consider buying a flat haha thats depressing. but seriously get out on your bike this weekend sausage
  2. sorry it wasnt meant as a harsh dig ....just a passing comment.
  3. Aberdeen Ride this Saturday - 19th April.....please meet at the beach for about midday i reckon......map as shown below Give me a text if your coming - 07812654370 Link to use-able map
  4. Your riding about on a bike that has a low seat or no saddle at all, making it look like a kids bike? and your worried about the style of your shoes.....haha......
  5. different material if i remember correctly ash....the northwave shoes on trials-uk have a similar sole to the ribo's TRIDENT RIBO NORTHWAVE TRY-ALL
  6. The tridents are so 'alien' looking. THey are definately not the best on looks, but are the best on prices. Try-alls are poo. Every pair i have seen of them (friends and mine) fall apart. Which is pretty shitty. I voted Ribo's cos they look the best.
  7. Ross mac -> THE NEXT DANNY MAC.... NAH I DOUBT IT..........your way better than that northern monkey. sweet vid ross
  8. Sorry to the topic starter, but this will really start a HUGE argument. So im going to report it, and hopefully someone will close it. If you use the search you will find previous arguments from years gone by. I cant be arsed with stupid petty arguments over something stupid like this.
  9. Here is a map for the area chris......we should all meet there at about 1ish. Feel free to text me or ring me should you get lost. Link to use-able map
  10. The whole thing with trials is adrenaline.....when you make something thats big for you...something scary....you get that buzz. When you fall off, whether it hurts or not, is a massive buzz. I always find that something i fall off on majorly i will always come back to it and try it again. Thats how i ride trials anyway
  11. Reet boys...meet at 12.30 - 1 at the beach front for this...if your coming ......meet at the kiddies play park (my favourite)
  12. all the pussies come out now.......towler will probably pussy out cos of his hairline fracture pish....
  13. sweet pics timmy . When you get some time, could you send me big pics of the ones you have taken of me on the last few rides. ACE weekend boys, i have 2.5hours of tapes to look through for a video...which will be getting started tonight . Thanks for everyone turning up, and to ad @ tarty for putting up with us monkeys on sat night. MAZING
  14. ahhahahaha its almost as funny looking as when danny told me about it. Danny.....your a dick
  15. really got some cool pics there joe...likin them alot. Just wish i could have afforded it . Giacomo's rim. lmao
  17. Some people are just tarts though. I agree with you, however some people just dont understand this
  18. oh deary me.... this sounds like super fun. I love a super challenge. and i have an AWESOME group o riders to put this together with
  19. are u seriously thinking that he would not have re-painted it???? have actually just looked at the ebay page. lmao....dodgey bikes
  20. come on chimpy, hurry with this finals video will you im getting nervous
  21. well dont leave us in suspense.... does craig have a ikkle een lad?
  22. i dont know if this is just me....but ur technique there looks SHOCKING. u could lower the front LOADS more than that. and you are floating through the air in a weird as f**k tucked position....
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