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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. towler deserves to be sponsored. Just for his dancing....watch him go
  2. I will be there. Fred, i dont have a list, however i have my msn contacts who i will try and get a hold of when im not at work.
  3. You will require quicktime to use it... now go download it you lazy buggers. it wont take long. it will be you-tubed tonight
  4. nah...your just pish.... hmm not sure min. really nae sure. i wouldnt say it looks small to be honest, your just out of our league
  5. It seems that no-one wants to comment on your video towler...i am really sorry about that. Its ok though...us guys in scotland we want to let you know..... WE THINK YOUR AN ARSEHOLE TOO
  6. It is the language barrier JT....luciens english is actually pretty good! The interview was taken pretty much from msn. The main 'target audience' was the french forums, however he decided to put it on here so the mixture of 'slack' msn punctuation on my behalf, and the language barriers are shown in the interview. I quite like the interviews to be honest, its good to gauge feeling of what riders are like.
  7. Right, so i have been meaning to get this put together alot sooner, but with my new job and flat hunting ihave not had much time. However.... Some scots and I, ventured into England for a trip to shipley, had awesome fun, filmed some stuff, and generally had muchos banter. The video is 10 mins long, features 90% riding, and some pissing about at the beginning. So you get the feeling of the trip haha. its 145mb ish and in .mov format. Scottish Muckers 3 Youtube Video -> Original Video name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>"> name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  8. haha spencer you knob....re-read that paragraph you spaz....i said when i was younger i took trials too seriously. However im now going to beat you. cos your a fud.
  9. woooo go towler....im going to be doin the video tonight i reckon for the long one....hmmm might be naughty
  10. pics a tad small to see anything lewis you nipple haha
  11. smooth....i like the look of those bikes...looks like one o the nicest places to ride ever gutted im not there
  12. thought i would add my part you see. I tried the old shock tactic....it seems to work with most folk. However im not sure that fat pants will go with that. Sorry glen but you need to wisen the hell up, you just dont seem to respond to any of the advice anyone has given u
  13. Will you just stop posting Glen, seriously, your making yourself look like a total nob (just my opinion) Im happy for you that you want to just work and leave your life on hold for now, but can you just stop posting, then hopefully this topic will get closed. Such a lot o shit you have been speaking in this topic and you just seem to have convinced your self that you are right and you are just letting everyone elses comments pass you by. You need to get a grip and think about what your doing. On the other hand, i feel slightly sorry for you as alot o folk seem to be using this to abuse you, just to appear cool, by joining in the 'slagging' so i hope you dont beat yourself up over some internet forums comments. Basically, do what you want to do, FYI i think your doing the stupidest thing you could do....college or such is a doss if u put some effort in. YOU just need to realise the following things: You get out of life what you put in (so if u put f**k all in, as your doin, you will get f**k all out of it)Work hard and play hard...so if you work hard at college, and play hard with them people at college.College and uni is a social networking thing just as much as learning a career.Stop posting your whole life on TF, jesus, its an internet forum, you need to live your own life and stop worryin what people might think on here Sorry this post is all just my opinion, i just think you have convinced yourself you are doing the right thing, when unfortunately your not.
  14. lmfao...check andrei getting a sneaky kiss on that lass....sleazy
  15. NO....not from my experience
  16. show us a picture. someone will be able to tell you
  17. just buy some dowel from b&q and hammer it down the end o the bar, and wrap any difference between the bar and wood. i have done it and have had NAE problems at all
  18. Sorry to rain on your parade, however it would probably be easier / cheaper for someone to do similar to what i have done wth my monty bars. get some dowel ( i used 20mm or something similar), cut it to length (i used two inches), then hammer it into the end o the bar up until half way in. then get some masking tape to make up the difference between the bar and the dowel. Works a treat, and you have bar bungs and wider bars as one
  19. you have some seriously AWESOME balance. really liked the unicycle stuff. Brilliant
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