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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. ben_travis

    300 Zx

    seriously how can you afford this...you work in alpine bikes!!! http://www.300zx.co.uk/
  2. minion + DH tube = pretty heavy (but will not puncture (unless you run stupidly low pressures)
  3. hope i can get my taps back, and be a beast like stanners. ben looks good on the mod. but still rides stock like a beast. adam,.......erm........hmmm.......sweet looking bike . (only kidding, nice sidehop you whoppper)
  4. As forteh says, i HSBC is what i used, fine and dandy, and i got an interest free overdraft (not that i need it) with them when i graduated.
  5. gotta love trade discount eh.....now you just gotta get to the standard of riding to warrant boxxer world cups
  6. shovel has a trek session that he rode down the fort bill track.... for someone starting out, i would probably recommend a free-ride bike over a dh specific bike, as its more maneuverable, and probably lighter. hate to tell you also mike, your bike is a freeride bike . as its been said, i would probably say that the only track that is suited more to a DH bike than a freeride bike is the track at fort william.
  7. if you wanted a contributor, id be more than happy to do some stuff if you decide to pursue your goal. obviously, if your doing this magazine, my preference is that you would cover all areas of the UK as a minimum. The problem with MBUK is they generally cover the south, in fact i think they only know that north of sheffield exists when they go for a trip to fort william for the worlds, and even then, the coverage of trials is minimal. kind of sucks ass. I like the idea of a non-paper based magazine, where you had to make a payment to view the whole magazine online (pdf format). However, the problem is that this is likely people would end up sticking it up on here and folks would get to see it for free. decisions decisions.
  8. i wouldnt worry about it, your gunna ride a beast on most bikes danny. get something nice and light and you'll fly everywhere
  9. i personally wouldnt, and i would go for something like the trialtech rim (or similar....atomz / try-all etc). HOwever if you are only going for the 24/7 rims cos they are cheap, then you are onto a winner i would say..
  10. bens a beast.... sergio is an awesome photographer....anyone who wants to photograph trials should take note of his skills.
  11. ben_travis


    lol..... , unfortunately correct
  12. ben_travis


    im abstinent from this disgusting activity
  13. cheers for all the comments guys. much appreciated. phil - it was just quickly edited, as many people have said natural is not great to edit / watch / film in a video, i wanted some clips 'out-there' and i expect ill be back up to standards for the next video i release . Rossi - the rocks are in ullapool (north scotland) seriously AMAZING to ride. so much stuff.
  14. Tim Steadman was riding a long wheel base pashley in fort bill this weekend. I didnt get a shot, but it helped tim to a win in his category. More to the point it was orange.
  15. Just want to say a big thanks to everyone who came and rode, and had a great attitude to the other riders. The competition was chilled out, with no ego's which was great. Thanks to the observers, who were all relaxed, didnt seem to recieve any grief off of anyone, and made for a good competition. Big thanks to Fred / Mick / Barbara and all the others who helped organise / set up sections. Really was much appreciated. Some funky prizes for the podium folks as well. That energy drink pretty much took me off my feet, and created a feeling worse than a hangover. Hope you all had a good weekend.
  16. Reet, Couple o weeks ago, the boys and i, took a wee trip up to stu's folks house up there, we had the most amazing weather which only added to how amazing the weekend was. Will definitely be visiting again, we rode two or three spots and stopped in aviemore on the return leg. Things to note: 95% natural riding - seriously awesome stuff though. Ross Mc absolutely ripping up the dam he rode. The mazin weather. Cheesy 'scottish muckers style' songs. cheesy ending. Funny banter in the middle. ta TV.ISG.SI > Scottish_Muckers_5.mov (95mb & 6 mins long) Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  17. lol, dont you worry laddie, i went back and slapped that bitch up
  18. Big thanks to the sponsors to start - Trialtech, Tartybikes and Atomz. Loving the new bike, have made a wee video from my first weekends riding. let me know your thoughts. TV.IGS.SI > Ben_Travis_Work-it-out.mov (58mb & 4mins long) Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  19. Sweet pics as always timmy, BUT Lewis doesnt really love new york.... and mike would not f**k a tuck
  20. your mummy still taking nice pics of you jamesy wamsey sweet ridin spot though
  21. So, is there no more videos of vinny mc vin vin
  22. lol, it was a joke about you saying the next video would be 100X better and bigger
  23. well done on chugging four beers in 15 seconds..... also. i look forward to your 470 - 480 inch gate action.....
  24. now go do some ffreaking work maher
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