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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. ben_travis

    Joe Oakley.

    i remember the days when you were just little joe in nottingham, now look at you. FECK ME. beast
  2. Go to the cinemas you grippy buggers. So much better.
  3. lmao, he recognised ross, due to the fact ross had tried to kiss him one night in the pub. Seriously was cool chatting to martin Nice guy.... like ross says though....how does he get a tan like that from porthcawl???
  4. get over yourself min. just cos your a chav, and your jobby catchers dont slip down your arse
  5. Awesome stuff ad, your a weapon. Definitely need to hook up for a ride soon.
  6. cant beat a bit o led zep...cheers for all the comments boys
  7. i love your skills ad... love your vid. well played min..
  8. i love a challenge.... Thats actually one of my favourite videos (of me obviously), as it showed how i wanted to be seen as a rider. Be a hard one to beat, but now you have issued the challenge...its on.
  9. and as such, your doing what ever couple does, argue over little things...yes she forgot about a 6 month anniversary, which as i said previously is nothing. Mate, i think you preparing yourself for the worse, when to be honest, all you have to do is say sorry. Even if you think you are right, say your sorry, and you'd like a second chance.
  10. Hey up.... My new TGS video is now online, have not been riding as much as i usually would due to other commitments, however, i have got a few moves on camera that i am chuffed with, so thought i had better stick out a video. Big thanks to Tarty Bikes, Atomz, and Trialtech. Appreciate everything these guys have done for me more than anyone can imagine. I promise ill get bigger better videos out soon. Ta Let me know what you think of riding / editing / banter / sexy time. Music - Communication Breakdown by Led Zeppelin. Streaming Go to one of these two links to stream the video... www.Atomz.fr www.tartybikes.co.uk Download TV.ISG.SI > Ben_Travis-Communication_Breakdown.mov (52mb, quicktime format, 2.40 mins long (ish))
  11. i can see your avatar perfectly.....
  12. hahahahaha, on the website your a trail biker.......BUH
  13. ah man thats pretty shit, if it does happen that you get finished, then follow the advice below, if she gives you another chance, then just remember its easier to forgive and forget then it is to argue .....dont start sending angry texts to her, just let her say her piece... EDIT: I notice you said she was 'out' last night, which i think you mean she was on the piss. I would let her have her time to cool off, then let her come back to you to speak to you. ADVICE to be honest, your young, your at uni, (still at dundee i imagine??) so there are plenty more fish in the sea and all that. I would try not to linger on it too long, maybe go out and get a bit o sleazin done to make you realise this girl wasnt everything....then you can hope for a more stable relationship after this . You never know, this same girl might realise what a mistake she has made.
  14. Anyone who has saved up for that frame deserves to have it. Well played on it i say. Bike looks lush, lets see a vid / pics of you riding it then...
  15. argh teasers for free videos suck ass. Sorry, but there really isnt any point. In my humble, unwanted opinion.
  16. I think that you would probably be better off forgetting all about it jake. At the end of the day, its just a small gift, now, i can see you point that you bought her stuff, however, sometimes its just forgotten, afterall 6 months is no milestone (not in my books anyway) Forgive and Forget i say
  17. Dont know why i keep coming back to look at these pics, but seriously I WANT TO BE LIVING IN OZ. Can you ditch the woman lewis, and invite me over. Im a mr lover lover?!
  18. ben_travis


    pfffft......24 for losers
  19. WOOP....IM GOING TO BE AT T IN THE PARK, AND IM GOING TO LOVE THROWING PISH. I wonder if mart will let me have a shot on his bike. nice videos si*d from skins....
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