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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. well now go and put the edinburgh pics up... and show us the piercings.
  2. So this shop owner needs to now buy a new suit so that he can hire it out? And you think he should pay for it because some wee lad had bad luck and jumped from behind? Your a ******....
  3. Sweeeeeeeeeeeet. Loving the natty as well!
  4. HARDCORE MUSIC IN TRIALS VIDEO's IS SHIT. sweet video neil, likin the rail ride the most. Best thing in the video in my opinion
  5. check the UFO just flying out of shot...
  6. OOOOF.....thats all i can say that describes that video
  7. i think tim @ plazmatic takes alot of things you say the wrong way to be honest, just something i have noticed in a couple of topics to be honest adam, i would not take your advice anyway, i mean its not like you own the most successful trials shop in the UK / possibly the world, surely you know nothing? /sarcasm *do i get a bonus now, for being a suck arse
  8. and cannondale (not sure if they still do it)...
  9. argh.....rear disc on stock.....disgusting. bike looks alreet though
  10. AMEN....ill add a more substantial reply when im not at work.
  11. with all the difficulties / cost this is causing...surely it would be more appropriate to just purchase a standard modern gear system. or if you really wanted, keep it fixie / freewheel on the back, and just find a cheap crank set with multiple cogs on, and a mech. this system is seriously just a silly one!? wouldnt you agree!?
  12. i think this might be the stupidest idea ever. what a god awful contraption
  13. we will see who is all doin what...ill probably be out ridin this weekend, but first weekend in august is looking like a decent time slot for me (depending on what demo's i have to do)
  14. Did T in the Park last weekend. THE VERVE = PROPER MUSIC = AN AMAZING GIG = PERFECT
  15. I think damon runs a maxxis on the back. and he usually runs about 30psi... he is just a weighty b*****d.... and puts so much power through his bike
  16. I know i have already commented on this, but seriously Thomas Ohler is A-MAZING
  17. sounds good to me man welcome to stay at mine should you need be as well....? definately get your bike over here sausage
  18. Just dont fail...or we will laugh...
  19. Was a beast back then as well. Oh how i loved my coust frame when i had one
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