Is there really any point in an hour long blow job......i think id probably just get bored and tell her to get to f**k.....she cant be that talented if it took you an hour to come off a bj. Now im not the biggest fan of a BJ, i prefer ass and pussy, but i know that an hour long blowjob would mean to me she doesnt have the right skills, in fact the only skill she would have is that she has good jaw muscles.... not sure if im the only one here who thinks that!? Probably am! EDIT: Spacemunkee - It sounds to me like your not too serious about her!? Or even if you are, your not really to bothered, so i would jsut get on with enjoying your summer, get our on your bike or whatever you like to do, go drinking, go partyin, you just need time to realise whether you love her or not. If you do, i wouldnt worry, if you dont then you need to break it up, before it rips you apart!?