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J Trials 31

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Everything posted by J Trials 31

  1. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload That it?
  2. Thanks guys I've been using it in that outline thing since they updated it!!!
  3. Koxx V-Racing about a 2000 pound frame when it came out. Wish I had one.
  4. Sick stuff!!!! Amazing on two wheels, even more on one!!
  5. Looks awesome!! Hope when they come out they will still have rear disc mounts, but tougher.
  6. Loving it dude!!! Wish somebody came out with some rims like those. They look sick!! Props on an excellent bike man!
  7. My good buddy Dave Anscombe! So smooth, not so big, but great style. Itching to see his stock vid, even though I miss him on the mod!
  8. Thanks, but not really as I live in the US. Thanks anyway though.
  9. One of the sickest Inspireds yet!!!
  10. Looks great! Quality build right there.
  11. Awesome vid! Love your riding. Such a beast!
  12. Another older vid I had around. Let me know what you think. http://www.vimeo.com/1460837
  13. Ok, thanks guys! This site has always helped me a bunch! Thanks again Jordan
  14. Which one do I need for my Adamant A3. Stripped a while back and need to get one, but not sure what size. Heard somebody say M5, but I need more specifics. Thanks Jordan
  15. Did I see Hoesel!!! One of my favorite riders ever! Anyone know why he stopped riding Worlds?
  16. But I thought he rode for Mongoose now?
  17. Awesome Felix!! Who are the riders? Didn't see you in there.
  18. Good stuff!! A bit better than myself. Wish I had some challenging stuff to practice on really well. Got a Sherco. Saving up to get a new Scorpa. It's gonna be sweet!!
  19. J Trials 31

    End of monty

    Sweet! Are you gonna sell your Monty complete? Might be interested if it's cheap enough.
  20. J Trials 31

    End of monty

    pretty cool. Whatcha getting next?
  21. Yeah, I'd seen it before, but it's still awesome riding!!
  22. I think I can fix your problem. Don't buy red! Plenty of other cool colors. I had this same problem with Echo a few years back and had to run it anyway. I won't run red rims ever again.
  23. Is that Martin Hawyes? Looks like it. He isn't even wearing a helmet!!!
  24. Looks nice!! Love those frames!! Cheap and strong!
  25. Christophe Braund is so awesome!! Scorpa for the win!! Although I don't like the 4-stroke. It's much more impressive since he's riding that. I couldn't even do anything on the 4-stroke!
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