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J Trials 31

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Everything posted by J Trials 31

  1. Awesome! Looks great, but I think it's an 07'. Unless you painted it?
  2. Absolutely awesome riding! But the music was terrible.
  3. Hey don't make fun, I've got a 180mm on front.
  4. Awesome stuff, Ross! Loved the last little bit, lol!!
  5. Was really cool! Quite liked that!
  6. Looking awesome on the Limey!
  7. Looks good! What's the weight like? Is it heavy, as comparable to other bikes. Like my Monty TI.
  8. If I get it, it will be from the local V!Z dealer. I live in the U.S. lol
  9. As I said earlier get yourself some new bars and stem and rear disc when the money comes in. Swish bikes though.
  10. Thanks yeah, mines the forged. What's the best geo on those. Noticed there's several listed
  11. Looks awesome! Which V!Z stem is that? I got an older one and might upgrade to that one if there is a name or somthing that I can find.
  12. haha, I'm a little impartial to TI's since I'm in the process of building one up. Really nice bikes.
  13. TRA on a road trip to Birkentrial. Really awesome riding. From OTN if anyone wonders, thread is here. http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=44732 http://www.vimeo.com/6361317
  14. Awesome! Liked it! Lucky is an absolute monster! What's the details on the frame he's riding?
  15. Nice bike! Just needs new stem and bars, and a rear disc. Just get a ton on shims that will fix most of your problem. I'm surprised it didn't come with any. When I bought mine it came with a pouch with a bunch in it.
  16. No, I like BB7's it's just they don't work too well on the rear.
  17. Pretty cool! What rims are you using? Looks like orange V!Z ones? Also, how come your brake was slipping, are you using a BB7 or something?
  18. Need a longer one for sure! What's he riding now? Looks like Hydroxx II.
  19. Yeah, but I got a dremel right here. Just don't know if I have the correct attachment.
  20. any really small handheld grinders? Any one used a dremel?
  21. Sick! I hope to get me a Zoo someday! Excellent bikes!
  22. Which way would you use the hack saw? Straight down or side to side?
  23. Using either Echo or Zhi rim. Can't remember which lol. Think it's an Echo. And rear pads are Heatsink clear's ( they are clear not sure what they are as obviously they don't produce them anymore) Anyway might try the hacksaw deal. Tried the wire brush and it worked for a while, but the way I ride only like 3 days. Also, does Dremel make an attachment or is their a small handheld grinder that I could get that would work a lot easier? In the future anyway.
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