Don't worry. Here in the U.S. your lucky to have one other rider in your state let alone town or county. So I never ride with anyone except at comps or when I drive a long distance to ride with someone. And if you have to ride far to good spots, make stuff in your yard ( garden I guess lol) to ride on. I know what you mean on that. What I find around here I still have to mix around to get it to where I can ride it. Also, don't be so hard on yourself, trials is about having fun. Most of us will never be top riders or have sponsors or any of that, don't really judge yourself on what someone else can do. They may ride a ton more or have a lot more people to ride with and show them moves. That's my input anyway. I'm self taught because no one ever taught me how to do things. Just look at as blokes having fun on bikes. That's all it is.