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J Trials 31

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Everything posted by J Trials 31

  1. Looking good, I hope I can get going soon on my Monty project, but it takes some moola lol. What disc and front hub you running?
  2. 07' Zoo rides fine, not sure about 06'. Couldn't get along with a simtra too well myself though.
  3. Looked better with the purple bits there. Stu. Still bet it rides awesome though.
  4. yeah, what is the weight? Can't be too heavy.
  5. That is a really slick setup! Looks really good too. So guessing that coust is next right?
  6. Awesome stuff! The slomo tap was neat!
  7. Yeah, if Dan isn't running anymore we could at least give them another chance. So who is running it now?
  8. After the vid being on there for 7 seven you get a reformatted vid, which I can never get to work. Does vimeo plus help?
  9. You sir, are the one causing the problems. Doesn't look anyone else is calling people from otn and america or wherever retarded. All you can think of to do is make fun of the americans? That's more uneducated then anything else. Thread about otn being down, not you telling people on otn and americans that they are dumb as a box of rocks.
  10. Awesome frames, got one in the basement I'm going to build when the A3 sells. Yours looks awesome, hopefully mine will too.
  11. Awesome stuff once again, yeah get you some proper bars and stem for that Inspired though. And get a longer vid out soon.
  12. TF has never worked for downloading either. Maybe you could just send it to my email?
  13. Yes, that's exactly what I meant, but I really don't know of any good hackers except fbi, etc. or geek squad.
  14. Best looking Phase ever there mate!
  15. Looks good, I'm sure you can use that monty hub, look it up or ask around.
  16. There definitely needs to be higher penalties for hackers. Long jail sentences, fines, etc. This stuff has to stop.
  17. Get a new camera there bro.
  18. Yeah, couldn't understand that at all either.
  19. It looks alright, wheelbase is close to my A3 so it's not that far off really.
  20. Yeah, but you work at Tarty. So Ali get mad at you or something. lol
  21. Can't wait for a new vid from you, Dave! What you riding nowadays anyway?
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