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J Trials 31

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About J Trials 31

  • Birthday 04/09/1993

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  • County (UK Only)
    Non UK
  • Real Name
    Jordan Robison
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Monty 221 TI and Zhi Zm2
  • Country
    United States

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    bike trials, moto trials, music, basketball, playing drums
  • Location
    Shelbyville,Tn in the U.S.

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Trials Elite

Trials Elite (6/9)



  1. Alright, well that's the issue then, cause I know there's a little tear on the edge. Thanks for the help. Cheers
  2. I might think about it, would swapping to a little bit wider rim be a good idea? The Onza is 38mm and the Monty is either 42mm or 47mm, not sure. Whatever was standard on a 07' TI
  3. So new tire may fix the problem? I'm using the Creepy I had on there before I got the new wheels. Not gonna superglue it as I'd like to get my tire back off easily. lol
  4. Hey guys need some quick help, I just got these not too long ago. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/1920_inch_wheels/onza_blade_wheelset/c61p11427.html And am having a problem with the rear wheel rolling the tire off the rim. Anyone else having this problem with this rim? If I swap to a Monty TI rim (not sure if it's 42mm or 47mm) would that solve this problem? Or is something I'm doing? If I'm going to swap rims I'm going to do it tomorrow morning so need quick answers. Cheers
  5. Oh my!! Love that! Always loved the look of them as well, never got to see and ride one in person though.
  6. You have a problem folding the rear tire with the original rim at all? Wondering about the smaller width on it.
  7. Looks fit mate! Loving the tyres!
  8. So awesome to see him back! Love to watch that guy ride!
  9. Looks excellent guys! Looks like a nice big area there! Glad to see you guys moving up! And yes I noticed that Caterham in the background, someone's got a fun little ride!
  10. J Trials 31

    New Toy

    Yeah, get you some v's for the rear and get that front end up high and it will be ace!
  11. That was noice! Cool to have no music for a change.
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