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About kona1991

  • Birthday 03/13/1991

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  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Kona Shred 09 : Halo SAS Wheel-set : Avid BB7 Rear brake : Truvativ Hussefelt Crankset : Truvativ Husselfet Stem + Bars : DMR V8s : ODI Ruffian Lock on Grips :
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Haven't been riding for a long time due to injury! But now i'm getting the bug back!
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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Yeh i know what you mean mate. Like i would never sell my Kona dj bike... However in this case i would only be using the bike to get my skills up to scratch and then would be looking to re-sell, so i'm not gonna invest money into a bike which isn't going to be worth anything at re-sale.
  2. Ha, Good range of responses their lads but thanks non the less! I'm not a complete beginner... this would be my third trials bike just wanted to get back out riding!
  3. Hi Lads, Long time not being on here but saw this bike for sale recently and wondered what you guys would value it at! I don't have any spec for it just a single pic! Let me know how much you reckon its worth and I may be on here a lot more Cheers Connor
  4. Interested in your T-Pro dude, e-mail me Tommeh_dooley@hotmail.co.uk

  5. send some pics of the bike to max.burr@hotmaail.com

  6. News was released stating that MJ suffered a Heart Attack after falling over a PushChair... Doctors are saying "Dont blame it on the Buggie"
  7. Whats the difference between Micheal Jackson and Alex Ferguson?? Fergie will be playing Giggs in August!
  8. Allow! If i had a 1.6 SXI as my first car i'd be over the moon! I can barely afford the insurance on my 1.0l corsa so theres no way i could afford a 1.6! Would be like >2k.
  9. hence the fact its OT!! off topic!!
  10. I also feel integrated arnt all that.... Ive got one on my t-pro and my kona shred... to be honest i felt my fsa pig dh was better
  11. Woop Sick Vid joel. Cant wait to move to London and start riding with you now i've got my T-PRO
  12. I'm gonna pretty much strip and re-build it this afternoon so i'll let you know how it goes.
  13. I only drive a 1.0l because its the only car with insurance i can afford... And it still owns some 1.2s so who cares
  14. Okay, So i'm sure somewhere out there in the members section this will have been covered... but i was just curious to know who on here is able to drive and into cars? I've been driving for just under a year. I drive a 2000 (w) Silver Vauxhall Corsa...1.0l . I've popped some 6x9's in and a 12" Fli Sub... Its not the fastest or loudest beast but does the job
  15. If its not broke... Dont fix it... If you get on well with your current pedals why change them?
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