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Ben John-Hynes

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Everything posted by Ben John-Hynes

  1. Are you smooth or a basher?
  2. Looks great, it's got something that your Zona didn't have. Just looks much better. That frame rides so well, I rode it when Tris' mate had it.
  3. Please? I'm nice in real life! Would be massively appreciated if anyone could help us out.
  4. I've got the shorter, white one in my shed and it just feels normal. Nothing majorly light but by no means is it heavy. EDIT: Which you can have for a tenner posted..
  5. Yooo, i'm not no.Going to the DJ Portsmouth ride. Me and kyle and that

  6. Best. Thread. EVER I've read in the last half an hour!!!! EDIT: Ironic spelling fail!
  7. Where does one go about getting one of those Magellan frames from? Wanted one ever since they came out.
  8. Fair enough that you have an opinion. But WOW it was random that you expressed it here.. Damon is, by far, my favourite rider but Danny appeals to the public more as he's easier to watch. I'm happy Danny's going s far as he is, he seems like such a nice bloke and is genuinely talented at what he does!
  9. How many people are staying over the weekend? And where are you staying? Heeeelp us.
  10. yeah boys. Me kyle and rich are all in! Proper excited about this, will be my 1st portsmouth ride! Staying for the whole weekend, yeah man!
  11. The stairs bit made me sleep.
  12. f**kin' hell Mikey had a haircut?
  13. Could you fashion something to bolt onto the disk mount maybe? Get a piece of metal tube with some holes drilled in it for the disk tabs and bolt it on.
  14. Ask "sayshell" on here. He rides bmx on a mod, but it's complete bmx, NO trials moves..
  15. Lol. It's a ridiculous topic to make though. We don't know what he likes, what he doesn't. He doesn't tell us what other colours he's got.
  16. That looks awesome. If you're undecided, try a higher stem on it and it'll ride 100x better!
  17. Auto-cock: Please use the Half built bike pics thread for shit like this
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