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Everything posted by Ashley-Wood

  1. Nah he needs to lean the corners so bad or we crash Lol! and I'm even 24seven pedaling!
  2. Comments please and some saying any improvements/ideas!
  3. More pics up soon!!! pics are now up! Comment on it please only done yesterday but still not finished! but ride-able!
  4. we didn't have a brake but we almost got run over and almost smashed into a side of a car, so a bit dangerous Lol
  5. Ill get some more pics later today of all sorts of angles Lol And maybe some of us killing It round the local corners!
  6. no I'm fine a like my trials bike as it is Lol!
  7. i cant get a video of me and mate on the computer but i can get pics of us killing it round corners and that Lol! and trying to jump it
  8. well me and my mate have been bored through the week so we decided to make a side cart together, so we ended up using a vibe bmx and a welder Lol. ain't quite finished but we have been riding it full half the day and it is great fun! has anyone else made a side cart or ridden one like this!
  9. I have Added the person with the new thong and got a webcam hope to see you soon with your new thong !
  10. some one has got to tell him straight !
  11. ring your local magura dealers tell hem whats happened and they should replace it with a brand new one or give you money back! hope this helped!
  12. Yeah had my beastly Saracen Stolen from me but was a good thing really because like a week after that my brother GAVE me his dmr rhythm! didn't my eyes open up! Lol
  13. Apparently the threads strip on the four bolt mounts and even if you get them re done it does it again! well thats what put me off buying one
  14. I wouldn't really call that trials thats like messing about on a jump bike copying trials! and music that was just awful! Woody
  15. Spain because when i went there for a holiday when i never new trials existed there was like 50 trials bikes in this one place so I'm guessing there would be plenty more!
  16. Hey, my mate has a front onza wheel standard, onza bar and stem combo, also a pair of onza forks in grey, add him on msn Connor--23@hotmail.co.uk

  17. I don't think i piece of rope gets on with me i did that and it wouldn't let me go so i whacked my face on the ground and smashed my helmet up!
  18. When i moved my pallet about one more pallet further back from the other one i almost did it but i was like right on the edge and were i hit it so hard i went over the bars and got a puncher so it was a bit to big for me but ill keep trying! it was about 3 and half pallets length!
  19. I can gap pretty easy but when it comes to side hops this is when i get frustrated! Thanks i will try this but see if i can get over it by allot though
  20. I have drilled medium sized holes in stem 2 either size ain't made it any weaker, i don't think! and i have brought new rims and and drilled holes in my front wheel as I'm running a disk! hopefully i will be fine and my bike don't snap were i am obsessed of drilling holes in my bike! Woody!
  21. how about get your rear hub something like converted so the disk hub will be on the right and sprocket thing will be on the left i see someone on a video do it. and then get a disk!
  22. Right i am very frustrated in side hops as i just keep trying and trying to side hop 5 pallets i can do 4 with ease but when it comes to 5 i find it really hard with the same technique, so is there any suggestions in how to side hop 5 pallets thanks woody!
  23. Confidence isn't as easy as 1 2 3 you either get better at the things your not so good at and makes you feel you can do something you was normally scared of, or you just have no fear and just go for anything, yeah a helmet does give people some confidence but not as much as when it comes naturally! Woody
  24. Have read both as soon as i became a new member! so I'm very organized at the moment. i was riding an onza t-bird but have just sold it and going to buy a new one as soon as i can!
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