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Everything posted by Ashley-Wood

  1. you might aswell of wrote that in a foreign language, i dont now any of this ssis synambypamby shit.
  2. ive got the pc suite and that, i dont know which prgram to use off it or owt.
  3. Put some goby year seven in a disabilty lift and the lift went haywall, went pitch black in their and the lift wouldnt open, ran off untill staff found him, and me. was funny as fook at the time, excluded for 5 days. Nearly was excluded for throwing bricks andlogs into a neighbouring road, poilce came in and talked to us, Some boy i dont know got exluded for having a wank in a maths lesson boy got sent home becuase he soiled himself, friend got excluded for wedgeing another boy and completely ripped his boxers off. Funniest one was a friend of mine took a photo of his bollocks and showed it to his math teacher, excluded straight away.
  4. Orite, Wanting to put videos onto my nokia N95 8GB but i dontknow how to do it and dont have the booklets anymore?? anyone else here know how to do it who could tell me please?
  5. Anyone now how i can get videos to play on a different video player instead of this shitty aol media player one i have now.
  6. Im sure barracuda made some sort trials type frame
  7. Been abl to sidehop bar height for a while know but i cant go a brick higher? any tips or info of what i might be doing wrong? heres a video of me trying to go over bar height http://youtube.com/watch?v=wrKn0pMiaQs video, think the sidehop is about 40" Post advice/tips please Okay heres the ..... improvement try .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9UbtRE7eZo
  8. yeah working now, watching, edit later Edit: Quality little vid, enjoyed that alot, good riding from all
  9. Mongoose? Trrek, British eagle (lol) Black mumba
  10. Grea vid, loved everybit of riding in their, max t drop gap James porters taps ar massiive.
  11. how much for the 07 zoo main sticker
  12. hello all, heres my new video, excuse the editing, http://youtube.com/user/ClsZooPython dont know why the song cuts out at the end either. Comments would be nice.
  13. You know when you've been tangoed
  14. My sisters friend went out to buy his first lottery ticket on his birthday, turns out he won £160,864 or something like that, cant remember the numbers though.
  15. I get this riding in the cold, i found solution, when they get cold and begin to hurt, if your wearing a jumper over your t-shirt, stick your hands under your jumper and into your armpits, they are really warm usually and warm my hands up treat.
  16. That looks like an attempt to tuck your avatar
  17. You will never find pink electrical tape as they dont use that colour for the electrical board, probably best asking danny swindlehurst saw a pick of his Gu with pink rim tape on.
  18. Who was the guy riding that giant, The line where he goes of the bank to his backwheel on the wall to the rail is where i ride.
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