Thought of more of my bodges ha, lost my tpa wheel so i got a nut didnt fit properly so i just rammed it on, lasted like 5 mins :l my mates frame has a stripped mounts so i screwed the bolt in a little and absolutly smashed it with a rock and it fixed itself, my kings axle insert threads where nackred so i just screwwed it in and it made a new thread on the insert which ment it didnt f**k my axle, still running strong now, currently using profile bolts in it aswell. bodged my mates tryall cranks as he brought them f**ked without knwing so we tried using a coke can but it just crushed into pieces. used stones to make my brake better, also to space my wheel out a little, my favourite bodgeout of all these has got to be cutting the end of a spanner off to make a spacer for the rear wheel oo and i almost always fix my puntures with duck tape lol