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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. You can't know which cane first, but probably rockman made it first and this other company is a knockoff.
  2. Your chaIn line is out. If you're using gears they could need resetting.
  3. That's not a guilty pleasure, that's being a weirdo.
  4. I accidentally bought a cheap bass from some random antique shop on impulse. On a related note, it really is true that people who play guitar play bass guitar like a normal guitar.
  5. Revolver

    Video Edits

    This, premiere won't get easier by leaving it.
  6. It could just be a dodgy one, these things happen.
  7. There's two seals, one of them is round and the other is square. The round one is the one stopping the water coming out, and the square one stops shit getting in. They could be both knackered!
  8. I might be f**ked in the head, but it doesn't stop a two-part caliper being flexy as shit! It's on 185 too, it's not too bad but you do get the odd unexpected manual out of gaps and such, and the main problem being the lever pulls in infinitely, meaning it digs into my finger and I bleed everywhere. And that's why I <3 my fresh products 04 magura lever blade.
  9. I read pretty fast. When I read quickly its like looking at every 5th word or something, and relying on peripheral vision to pick up the rest. The problem is that I only pick up the gist of the text rather than being able to remember the exact words.
  10. I'm sick, so I'm going to buy soup because I think it fits the whole sick thing I've got going on at the moment.
  11. f**k that, why don't you learn to be really good at papier maché? I mean it's clearly more useful than being able to ride a bike, you could even sell the shit you make.
  12. I've used one occasionally. Mine flexes like shit. My front one doesn't. The rear one is a two-piece caliper jobbie, which apparently is why it flexes so much. So if you have the old single piece one it'll be ok.
  13. RELEVANT. I was gonna put something more useful as well, but I think you've already come to the right conclusion. Make sure to replace both of the seals. Are you on a water bleed?
  14. Unless the geometry's the same one's gonna be better than the other. Course, I'd tell you to PICK THE ECHO TRIAL 24" but that's no use is it, that's the one I want, not the one you want.
  15. Well, what you can do to help decide is to get a dice, and to make 1 and 2 the curve frame, 3 and 4 the rockman and 5 and 6 the echo frame. Then roll it and buy whatever one you roll. Or, you can think hard about which one has the nicest geometry.
  16. Some weeeird effects in that. Fairly cool though.
  17. I've never seen it. So I'm watching it now.
  18. Revolver

    Akrigg's Away!

    Old news I'm afraid. I hope he's recovering well! He's a hell of a rider.
  19. All fixed tensioners do this. That's why sprung tensioners are better!
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