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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Revolver

    Trial Bikes

    But that's a street 24", there are two kinds of 24"s... It's not my bike, no. There's one for sale in the classifieds section I think.
  2. Yeah, that's the stuff. As for the other link... let's not talk about that, we'll end up just winding ourselves up about it.
  3. Revolver

    Trial Bikes

    That bike is good for normal trials. A street bike is better for street. Generally, a bike with a seat is a street bike.
  4. I see... Yeah, and the dumb people who make up the rioters will use that as an excuse to riot even more.
  5. Just read a news report of how some dudes tried rioting in Nottingham. Broke a few cars, tried to get into JD sports in the city centre.
  6. Revolver

    Trial Bikes

    That's a blanket statement and is no longer the right answer. Look at that, it's a 24" that's shit for street. How confusing...
  7. Dunno, you could still get shot, or get hit in the head by a brick. Gotta have a helmet at least! One on your head...
  8. The only problem is if you go out on your own you'll get battered just because of being outnumbered. Gotta get a whole heap of men together first.
  9. Lets all put on our helmets, pick up our socket wrenches and go help the coppers!
  10. Mmm. The world's meant to end in 2012, but nobody says in what sense it's meant to end. Lol, but I prefer that physics lad's explanation - whoever thinks the world will end in 2012 cause the mayan calendar, based on the number 20 - how many fingers and toes you have - ends, is a retard.
  11. Who'd've thunk eh? Well, if the world ends in 2012, at least I won't have to die of old age.
  12. That's just a close up normal cat. Fools.
  13. A bunch of dickheads, I think. I think some dickheads have heard of riots in other areas and thought, 'hey, that sounds like a fun idea, let's get some mates together.'
  14. Trust the other dude, lol. If it's duble insulated it can't hurt you if it shorts, regardless of if it's earthed or not.
  15. AFAIK nottingham isn't rioting yet, which is nice. Probably start, we've got our fair share of twats.
  16. Haha, I'll let you find it. I think that plugs in europe aren't earthed. All it means is that anything plugged in the adaptor isn't earthed, meaning if it breaks and shorts, it's not earthed so it might hurt you. Similarly, in england some electrical goods come with a plastic prong for the earth prong. This means that they aren't earthed. This is usually because they're so low powered it won't damage you if it shorts out.
  17. It'll work, it just means it won't earth if it breaks. It probably won't break.
  18. Something that's weak isn't earthed. You can tell because on the plug the earth prong is plastic. So if your charger plug has a plastic earth prong, it doesn't matter. And if it does, you decide if you want the risk of if it breaks it not earthing.
  19. I'm well aware it's not the means that is at fault.
  20. I'm with the view of, why bother f**king random people's stuff up? I heard somewhere these riots started on twitter, seemed like people randomly decided to make a party out of the desire to kick shops in and nick stuff.
  21. Lol that's one way to make a trailer.
  22. You silly sausage, you should've thought about that dent before you bidded. Spec's good and a dent doesn't necessarily mean it'll snap so I don't think it was particularly a rip off.
  23. No doubt someone has a spacer in their bag you can have.
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