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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Growing a beard? It's a reply to the post above yours.
  2. I watched one tree hill when it was new, mainly to gawp at sophia bush.
  3. There's a diamond geezer by the name of Ben who lives there. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/user/20210-bendy/ - this is his TF profile.
  4. I saw the trailer. I thought it was a piss-take. Apparently not.
  5. Put a bolt in the star nut and hit the bolt. Or borrow the tool from somewhere. The tool is like a bolt with a wide thing on top you can hit, so it's roughly the same. Sometimes they are hard to get started, just persevere. Also, don't hit them in wonky. Try your hardest not to, at least.
  6. There sure are some gross bugs out there.
  7. I enjoy videos more when I think 'wat' at the tricks in the video.
  8. That's not near hull. Bacup is nearer to hull than that. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=bacup&hl=en&ll=53.71172,-2.206514&spn=0.010325,0.027874&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=21.192481,57.084961&t=h&z=16 This is bacup. The trials park is on that page somewhere, it's probably where that track is.
  9. Top rated comment in the bag...
  10. I want a kayak, dammit. Stupid dream.
  11. Seems like claustrophobia and also maybe heights a little bit. Lifts and small rooms and cars don't scare me... but you would be very lucky to get me to go crawling down a pipe I can't turn around in. If you followed me down then I'd probably kick your face until you went back. And if I was stuck in the mine at chile, I'd not mind tooooo much about being stuck in the mine itself but I'd be bricking it in the tube on the way to the surface.
  12. In my experience a stiff piston will always come back. Keep an eye on it.
  13. In the guide it says, do it both ways. And in the guide, I also do it both ways.
  14. When that happens I tend to replace bits.
  15. Erm, either works, it basically means pulling the pistons out under water so it draws water in and then shutting the system so it doesn't come out. If you have stiff fitting pads, the old favourite is to put matchsticks under the pads.
  16. Yeah, but you get fed and a bed in prison. Really, we need c**ts to be afraid of the law. Whether that's cause they've got rubber bullets, real bullets, your benefits go, or whatever. It's become cool to be a dickhead.
  17. Well, gimme a price on those burns and you might sell some of it!
  18. Revolver

    Mr Zebra

    Yeah, gap to footjams! Gap to footjam-tailwhip next?
  19. Or wait for it to come to you! Link in my sig.
  20. If you look in the news thread there's something about this. It works because the wheel bolts and the chain stop the wheel coming out backwards and the bolts stop it going forwards...
  21. The thing I identify as the source of chavs is their mothers. They're unprepared and uneducated, they have no sense of discipline so how can they impart any on their kids? All they want is for the kid to be quiet, yet they're not able to follow through with punishment. Thus, the kid learns a loud voice and that they can get away with anything. Discipline is the difference between US and THEM.
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