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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Definitely a little bit too far.
  2. I forget how mindblowing this video is and then when I watch it again it... blows my mind again. Where's the first spot with all the wonky blocks?
  3. Yeeeeah. Although not next sunday, I'm going go-karting.
  4. 04s are good because you can run a super pimp fresh products lever blade. Yes, you can get an 05 fresh products lever blade but it's not as pimp.
  5. This. The easy answer, which requires no explanation, is no. Let's go with no.
  6. That makes almost no sense. At least it helped!

  7. That would've been accounted for when the frame was weighed.
  8. If there is an illuminati, there's no way a bunch of foil-hats can stop them. May as well like it or lump it.
  9. Weighing air is pretty nuts. 10 grams isn't too much though, air weighs f**k all.
  10. I live in Nottingham. The scene here seems to have died. It would be good to bring it back. Where in Nottingham do you live?
  11. That was good, some nice lines.
  12. I fell down a bottomless pit. Luckily it has wi-fi so I can still bum around on here on my iPod.
  13. That is a fair point, but no, you can get it from B&Q. It does come in a MASSIVE packet that would do you and all the riders you know for your entire lives.
  14. Tar sucks compared to a grind. Buy a block of bitumen from b&q if you're desPerate... Although you could get an angle grinder from there tOo..
  15. I only use that on my ipod touch. Also there isn't an option on the poll for 'Haha, you can't spell believe'.
  16. There isn't an option in the poll for 'don't give a shit'.
  17. Gotta somehow get some decent engagements on it too... a hope pro II takes 6 gears at the most.
  18. Indeed you didn't. It's a shame, I'd take a 24" try-all stiky in a second if they make one.
  19. They don't do 24" try-all tyres. For the rear, swampthing is the best for me.
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