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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I heard he gave in to the temptation of mototrials.
  2. Revolver


    Tips - don't die and lose your stuff. Especially after spending the time trying to get a complete map. I don't have a server. Well, I have the server program but that's just for every now and again.
  3. Revolver


    The 1.8 update is pretty cool, there's a food bar - if you're full your health goes up, if you're not it doesn't, and if you're hungry you lose health - and there's random structures! I found an abandoned mineshaft, shit's like a maze. And a village, maybe in the 1.9 update there will be NPCs in there.
  4. Do you mean you had a helicoil that's failed? Oh, I understand, you were redoing the brake threads.
  5. Maybe popping out the piston and replacing the seals will solve it, otherwise it's time for a new lever.
  6. Is it coming from the bleed screw or from the hose, or from the piston?
  7. Sometimes clamps will pull cylinders out of alignment when tightened. It just depends, I think a new C-clip thing can help in that situation. Try checking these things - Can you get a full range of adjustment with the clamps loose? If not, you may need to file the slots in your mounts. Do the pistons move when you've tighened the mounts? If so, your bolts may be bottoming out, try putting washers on top of the mounts, or (be careful!) cutting your bolts down a bit. And finally the original point, do the pads stop being square to the rim when you fully tighten the clamps? Replacing the plastic C-clip thing can help, You might also want to try filing the mounts so they are all level with each other - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEezZeqmVO8. Post back with results!
  8. Wheels are important because it's rotational weight. Tyres can often save quite a bit of weight too. As for the OP, if you want to know how much your forks weigh... take them off and weigh them!
  9. The best place to save weight is your wheels. If you want to upgrade forks, try buying some trialtech forks - they'll be lighter than the onza lite guys.
  10. We're on firefox 6 now! Is there not a spanish version of it?
  11. I counted 27, I think everyone else is doing it wrong, bunch of goons...
  12. A-wim-a-wé, A-wim-a-wé, A-wim-a-wé, A-wim-a-wé...
  13. Lord knows I'm grateful ours doesn't do it...
  14. Some of the gun flashes were good, the ones on the uzi weren't right. Gunshots look more like fire than stars, watch some videos of guns (FPSrussia for example) and look at what the gun flashes look like. The grenade fire explosion was pretty good, it would've worked better if the camera was more still, the added bonus is less work in tracking or keyframing, however you did it.
  15. He made the general public aware that people did other things than get drunk and fight in scotland.
  16. I wondered that. It looks like you can juuust see one on the right flange on the pic where it's in pieces.
  17. It's a FTW WFT, isn't it? I like it, except for the gold cranks.
  18. Times change, bikes change with it. High BB bikes are around now, you need high bars to not make them feel wank.
  19. Someone who's not on OTN can't see the pictures full size.
  20. In Art of Trials you see him on some kind of koxx.
  21. Most brakes would if they had 1 metre discs. Oh, it's the hose length. That's not as funny any more.
  22. That's a hollow comment now I know you were only using it to own the board.
  23. So, time for a real update: The paint seemed to be immune to nitro mors, maybe the new recipe is shit. So I got out my drill and a paint stripping attachment for it, took a good damn while. I ended up nitro morsing the bits I couldn't get to with the drill off. Left a couple of spots of the original paint on there in the really hard to reach bits. The next step was to find a way to hang the frame up in the car park where I live. Problem solved with a ladder. Had to tie it twice to stop it blowing about, it was so windy. Each coat nowhere near enough time to dry so the end result is a nice looking frame that sheds paint like it's got leprosy. Built the wheel up too, it's so much lighter than the last. It's a bit wide for the frame though, the hub spacing so it took some levering in. The coke can strip disguises the hub and adds colour co-ordination. haha. The brakes are so light to use it's awesome. The pedals are toss, I need to change them asap. I'm gonna save swapping the bars out until next year, when hopefully I can get a 1 1/8" headtube on there. Phase 1 is nearly complete - change the nipples on the front wheel, change the pedals, maybe swap the seat out, that should be it. Phase 2... is approaching slowly.
  24. Revolver


    This sums up my view pretty well. Governments are great at covering up stuff, much the same as conspiracy guys like to crank things up to make them more dramatic. Both of those can be classed as lying. At the end of the day, it's remarkably suspicious, but you just can't say until you know every little tiny detail.
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