So, time for a real update:
The paint seemed to be immune to nitro mors, maybe the new recipe is shit. So I got out my drill and a paint stripping attachment for it, took a good damn while. I ended up nitro morsing the bits I couldn't get to with the drill off. Left a couple of spots of the original paint on there in the really hard to reach bits.
The next step was to find a way to hang the frame up in the car park where I live. Problem solved with a ladder. Had to tie it twice to stop it blowing about, it was so windy.
Each coat nowhere near enough time to dry so the end result is a nice looking frame that sheds paint like it's got leprosy.
Built the wheel up too, it's so much lighter than the last. It's a bit wide for the frame though, the hub spacing so it took some levering in.
The coke can strip disguises the hub and adds colour co-ordination. haha.
The brakes are so light to use it's awesome. The pedals are toss, I need to change them asap. I'm gonna save swapping the bars out until next year, when hopefully I can get a 1 1/8" headtube on there.
Phase 1 is nearly complete - change the nipples on the front wheel, change the pedals, maybe swap the seat out, that should be it.
Phase 2... is approaching slowly.