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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Maybe you could buy my Line 6 Spider II 30w when I buy a bigger amp.
  2. Look at it! Who would want to buy that, it's like a woman's bike with the seat tube cut off.
  3. Winter's coming up. I'd really like to get a good set of gloves I can wear so my hands don't freeze. My previous pair of gloves were winter motorbike gloves, and they let the cold in. Ideally something similar to that, maybe thinner (a better insulator could be thinner and warmer) and not have zero grip, like some thinsulate gloves I've seen. Being relatively hardwearing would be useful too. Anything anyone can recommend?
  4. What server are you trying to run?
  5. Try and see if you can loop out the bike by pulling back. If you can loop out a bike, you can bunnyhop it.
  6. The plus side is you could add £50 and get a dedicated GPU from somewhere else, but it would be over your budget.
  7. I counted like a 40 second intro on a 1:50 video. Which isn't really good. Otherwise not too bad.
  8. Revolver


    Just an update, I made a new one on that seed and before the sun set I found iron, without leaving the island.
  9. Revolver


    Spose you could.
  10. Revolver


    Yeah. cut the tree down and dig, there's coal under it but it takes about 1 1/2 minecraft days for a tree to grow, and longer for wheat to grow if you're lucky enough to get seeds from the grass... and I got 2 seeds, you need 3 for a bread. If you stick to the island until you can make a boat, that's the more fun way to do it. There are other islands, if you have a far render distance you can see them.
  11. Revolver


    Yeah there is, it's not as challenging as it first looks.
  12. Revolver


    Try this seed: 1924426799106586543 For a challenge.
  13. Revolver


    If only you were on my personal server, where I'm the only b*****d.
  14. Revolver


    Who needs a button? You can do that without redstone! If you figure out how to make a lock, let us know, that would be cool.
  15. You said you've got printed media, you should be able to take that in and have them match it off that.
  16. Got to ride some of the northern spots before I quit. That was cool!
  17. Revolver


    Redstone sucks. I tried to hook up a button to a door using redstone to make it further away and it wouldn't work. Have you seen these massive computers some nerds have built?
  18. We just have to wait and see.
  19. I posted in the ridden.it thread with a link to this thread and a couple of suggestions, so maybe in the future it might happen. Ridden.it does seem like the way to go, it just needs tweaking like you said.
  20. Firstly, the log in button on the top bar doesn't seem to work (firefox 6). Secondly regarding this topic here, might it be possible to find out what riders live in a given area? Additionally it would be good if rather than having to click 'become a local to' all spots in your vicinity show you as local to it. Maybe you could replace the existing 'become a local to' as a means to favourite a spot?
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