Right, just follow the video tutorial, and use as small a container as you can so you waste as little antifreeze as possible.
Be aware a small container will make it harder... so be careful it doesn't come out of the water when it's all open. If the bleed turns out shite, it's because this happened.
Warranty lasts one year. If your brake is older than that, water bleed it.
Personally I think it's a waste of antifreeze to do an antifreeze bleed in the bath but that's your call.
Which model brake is it?
Oh yeah, video guide in my sig.
You don't reeeeally get performance disc pads for bicycle disc brakes.
As above, contamination is the killer for disc brakes.
The usual technique is to douse the pads and disc in meths and burn them, it clears off the shit. Make sure not to burn yourself! Or set fire to the house. Or dog.
I've ridden 24" bikes for a long time, a good while before starting trials too, so when I ride trials, something that needs a fair amount of precision, on a 26" it feels cumbersome.
Bigman is a sizeable chap so I imagine riding a 24" feels as nimble as riding a mod might feel for someone of an average stature.
I think it's 16 fps for your eye to register something as moving instead of seperate frames, but yeah, faster = smoother, until a point where you'd never notice.
TVs are a different story. I think the hertz of a TV actually has/had more to do with the electricity than your eyes.
Cameras record in 24fps.
As for your resolution... the clip will tell you. If you make a 1080p video and try to put 720p in it, it will be too small, it won't fill the window.
Read the properties of the clips!