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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I might try this. It would come in handy for getting used to being on the front wheel, which would mean I could actually gap to front.
  2. That's called flow, smoothness, preservation of momentum.
  3. I can't remember if there was any coursework or not. Yeah, in theory you could just go to the exams and bust out your knowledge. It's up to you how much you study really. I don't know whether you have to take exams set at certain times or whether you can do them sooner.
  4. Any level, eh? My dad did it, he did a degree and then later a master's degree, the exam kind rather than the research kind. If you're doing it whilst working full time it takes longer than your ordinary uni course. The distance part works, or at least worked, by them sending you a pile of books and I think attending a lecture every so often, every few months. And you have exams which are sat in some Novotel-type place near to you. During dad's master's, they were encouraging some kind of internet conferencing stuff as well, I should imagine there will be more of this nowadays. Edit: I say 'if you're doing whilst working full time it takes longer', well, that's obvious but I don't know if there's an option to do it over a shorter time if you're able to study more of the day.
  5. Are we gonna see a new video from you any soon?
  6. Is this the same as the camo one or did you swap out for the new model?
  7. Is it a raw finish? If it's not, you can use etch primer which I've heard eats into rust and stops it going further. Wire brush it down first, mind, dunno how bad it is but you might just be alright doing that.
  8. I enjoy the social aspect of riding. I do like the sense of accomplishment of nailing something though, especially some cool line. And I do get miserable when I can't do stuff. Spose it's a bit of both.
  9. IF they suck, they're fake, if they're good, they're real.
  10. So knowing there isn't a real friendship between you and someone, do you really expect them to keep methods of contact open when you chuck insults at them?
  11. The metal thing that arches over the tyre is a booster. You put a washer on each bolt, then the booster, then the long spacers, then screw it through the brake mounts into the frame. 4 bolt boosters can be a bit of a faff. As for the bleeding, you want as much of the oil out as possible. You'll find the water will come out clean after a while, but the next time you bleed weeks, months later, there will be more oil coming out, but that's fine.
  12. Setting a brake up. Water bleeding a brake in a bath.
  13. Revolver


    Skipped through to shazam the track at stoke plaza - and now I've ended up watching the whole thing again
  14. Warns aren't on a time limit, a mod has to think 'this dude deserves less warn now'. 100% warn doesn't necessarily mean a ban either, it's the mod's choice to add suspension or not. Lol.
  15. With regard to video length, in a general sense it depends on how good the video is filmed/edited. I turn off dud vids after like 30 secs. Thankfully your vids ( and for that matter mark's) are well done so I could watch 30 mins of that happily. 24:2011 flies by!
  16. Cook then, buy chicken and mince and tomatoes and peppers and a pile of spices, you can do a lot with just those.
  17. Yes. You can use taco mix, then the process is mince, peppers, tomatoes, mix, serve, eat.
  18. Mince Plum tomatoes Pepper Chilli Cumin Kidney Beans Wraps Get pan, add stuff (optional: remove packing) add heat, wait, serve, eat.
  19. Is the geometry on the Fourplay changing?
  20. The shit that was going off when I started was comp bikes still had to have gears, and you could buy hansventure tyres.
  21. Nor are you smart enough to google words to make yourself look smarter.
  22. If you've got a bleed pipe with you in your bike you can do a quick bleed with that. Josh, Rob Leech on here, does it. I believe you open the lever bleed hole only, put the pipe in with water in it and pump the lever. Mind, then you may as well carry a syringe with you.
  23. Wikipedia says it's 12-14. Best way to check is to make an animation in flash at 12fps and see if it looks like a slideshow or a video.
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