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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. You might be alright just using a washer. Perhaps get a thick washer and cut a groove in it.
  2. Top of the range, what do you expect?
  3. Make sure whatever you pick, it's the ratio your camera films in. Stretched or squashed videos are awful.
  4. It's an epiphone SG, you know how gibson guitars are said to have that thing where each one has some flaw that makes it unique? Mine has this thing where the intonation is really hard to dial in. I took it to a shop, the guy had it for ages, maybe 4 weeks, and it came back pretty good but not 100% dialled. Before, you used to have to tune each string over to compensate for how much flex the neck had. It wound me up so much. I thought we agreed the python was called 'Dickhead'?
  5. 'Zoot' 'Because' 'First Guitar' 'Ibanez' 'SG' or sometimes, 'The guitar that's impossible to set up' or 'that damn dodgy guitar' or to that effect.
  6. Find some superglue, glue it back together, and then take it to either an engineering shop or a B and Q.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLv3Kvt9DBo Among other stuff.
  8. Maybe you should post positive comments in bigger writing with a bright colour, to make it more eyecatching?
  9. Revolver

    55 I 25

    I've got to say, you don't look like a Laura. Smooth riding! The video was nicely put together too.
  10. I agree with that, there's no need to put someone down in an offensive manner, but there's also no harm in pointing out things you don't like. Maybe it would be useful for the next video? A good example is when people told Kieran Morrison to get a damn tripod. He got a tripod, and his video quality improved.
  11. So if you have criticism, you keep it to yourself? So... if it's a shit video, nobody says anything?
  12. I have a bontrager inner tube, it's just your standard inner tube. Maybe I'm not as much of a basher as I thought. Or alternatively I'm a wuss who doesn't try anything hard.
  13. They DID make a booster. It wasn't very popular because of the import tax, it sort of priced it out of the market. Let me find a picture, hang on. Found one.
  14. I approve of this tyre. My high roller was harder to pinch but I've only had one or two on this so far.
  15. The low front end and the thickness of the rear rim make it look like it's missing a front tyre.
  16. Revolver


    That's understandable, but it didn't work on me when I was a kid!
  17. Revolver


    Lol, suit yourself. I always hated how there was songs in disney films. 'We're going on an adventure!' 'LETS SING A SONG ABOUT IT!' or 'I'm an evil cnut... I feel a song coming on...'
  18. It SOUNDS like they're talking about a servo like you have in a car, but the lever body is so small.
  19. Revolver


    Well, it's childish and full of songs, just like all old disney cartoons. Personally I'd not watch it because of the songs.
  20. Revolver


    Watched Real Steel. It was pretty cool, the sentimental bits were a bit sucky, but otherwise alright. Robots are cool.
  21. So I see. Well, I reckon they'd still hook you up if you rang up and asked about buying a because complete.
  22. So what was your reason for not wanting a because? Tarty will knock up a full build for you, under every full build it says you can choose your parts, the frame is probably included in that. Give them a ring!
  23. You could go sideways up the rock and then sort of wheelswap at the edge?
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