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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. We're second cousins, we look sort of alike, JD also sort of looks sort of like me, sort of. Someone (greetings?) speculated we were one user with three accounts, which in turn turned into us being actually the same person, split personality type thing.
  2. Dan's too short to be part of us. Muel's the third one. I did see some dude in a riding video who might pass as a 4th...
  3. On tarty it's discontinued, which means it's no longer made. Looks like you'll be chasing old stock then. That shop you found might be your best bet.
  4. Get your bleed margins sorted*, slap it on a memory stick and go to the closest printer to your college. *I say that because I didn't for my college project and so it came on a bigger piece of paper than I needed :/
  5. Yeeeeaahhh. I wonder if anyone could do one in a gap?
  6. Never break this bike. Never get it dirty.
  7. Yeah, that's normal. That's just being a student. Here's an example - I have a research project to do. As it happens I've learnt a great deal about how to not do the research project. I've learnt even more about not doing my degree show catalogue entry.
  8. Less of a 'can't afford', more of an 'if I buy it and my car has any issues in it's MOT I'm f**ked.'
  9. Revolver


    Hold your eyelids tight so you can't. Believe me I sucked at it first, I still suck at it somewhat but it's got a damn sight easier over the trial 2 weeks.
  10. Jack Reacher books are good, I like them. I bought a book by James Patterson once... Well, at one point I was seriously considering putting it down. You know, in that book the main lead (sending the character to africa to find the bad guys) was delivered by a bar tender. 'HAY I think those guys were africans'. I think he's just spent lots of money on marketing, rather than writing good books. Anyway, other ones by him might be decent but I'll not bother looking. Andy McNab's books, well, the one I read (exit wound?) was pretty good. Terry Pratchett is good too. I dunno if anyone's mentioned him
  11. I think Bigman was on about trying something like that.
  12. Actually I'd agree on this case. What I will say about it is YES. More of this is needed.
  13. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/169266-when-night-falls-they-turn/ Judging by this I doubt you'll disappoint. VIDEO NAO
  14. Well, I can ride a bike with no handlebars. It's hard to get started but I can do it. Maybe not so good for tricks...
  15. Hence it only being a prod I'm not so sharp with spices, I usually guess and it turns out not very flavoursome, so if I have something to go off I can taste it and think 'bleugh, that flavour is too strong, I'll use less of that' and such like.
  16. Little Yoshi's disc mount snapped on his. Mine has been faultless, but I'm a pansy so I don't count.
  17. A prod in the right direction is nice.
  18. Bah, what is it with these guys and making really long videos. I don't mind being 'enlightened' or having my mind 'opened' or being 'set free' or whatever else is being promised, but I'd rather do it quickly so that inevitably when I watch it, get to the end and think, 'Ok, well that doesn't change much' I've not poured loads of time down the drain. I could've spent the same time playing the guitar or having a wank!
  19. Yep, that's right. I wonder what loud light looks like, lol.
  20. Well you might have a point, because light is like a wave and a particle so it might not have an equivalent of amplitude. What you're experiencing is just that more of the light reflected from the plane reaches your eye when it's directly overhead.
  21. What's the equivalent effect of amplitude for light? You don't get loud light, ha.
  22. So waves are more of a mechanism, a means for energy to be transmitted? That way instead of more energy meaning more speed it means more amplitude, which is certainly true.
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