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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Citroen suspension fluid works, I heard. I can't remember its name of it.
  2. Erm, it depends on your setup, if there's enough room it won't damage your brake. You use 3:1 water to antifreeze. Bath/sink bleeding with antifreeze is a waste of antifreeze imo.
  3. You know, you can use water in a magura brake. Check my sig, there's a video how-to.
  4. I think you can't, you just have to leave and never log back on. Maybe you can PM tomturd or danny, but it might take a while.
  5. Meningitis doesn't go away if you press a glass on it. Public service announcements taught me that.
  6. Can you get to feel the tyres? The tyre wih the thicker sidewalls will be more puncture resistant. Let me tell you this, a shit tyre (DMR moto) with a hench tube (kenda ridiculous 5mm thick job) will pinch so much more than a sick tyre (high roller or swampthing) and a dud tube (I'm using a bontrager middle of the road tube, thinner than a downhill tube) edit: I put that in bold because get that tyre
  7. Squeeze your brake really tight, see if it slips, if it does, whip out the bolts and take them down by 5mm. That'd do it. Then if they still do it, stick a few skinny washers in there.
  8. Nah, to me it doesn't feel much different than the bolt being really tight.
  9. Leave a romantic message on it telling the owner to sign up here and PM you. On the down side the owner might report you for harassment.
  10. Although you're more likely to get the bolt to bottom out, meaning the pistons will slip. Which, as a note for Dan, is why the pistons might slip if they do.
  11. Notts used to be a right hotspot for CPOs. Never myself had a fine from them though. Never had trouble from public. Here's a note: for f**k's sake, if some security guard or CPO or whatever comes up to you and asks you to go, be polite and just go.
  12. Weeeell, his Way Back Home video was a bit of an adventure, you can't argue with that, but it's not as big an adventure as what these other dudes have done.
  13. Maybe it's something you could suggest to trialtech dave? I can see them being popular if they were made right.
  14. There's also the fact if you did use, say, 24" BMX bars, they'd feel shit for trials, and on top of that, because the bars themselves are big when you change the angle it'd radically change how far forwards the bars are.
  15. Revolver


    ? You miiiiiight end up with it all over the inside of your mouth. But what the hell, it's for charity, I say go for it.
  16. http://www.retrobike.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1252928#1252928 If that bike's really 1989, those levers could possibly be the model after, so you're looking at early 90's maguras. Cool!
  17. First bike, one that had optional stabilisers, was some red and white apollo bike. Think I went for stabilisers, and then one day I said, I'll try it without, and mum or dad gave me a bit of a hand getting started and I was away. My mum tells me I got the hang of it pretty quick, quicker than my brother.
  18. There's an option, not on all types of transaction. I think it's on the second stage of making a transaction. The fees are usually deducted from the money you send. I'm personally not bothered, grin and bear it, it's not like the fees are a large percentage.
  19. My account is 100% verified. I get charged for anything. There is the option to choose who's charged, but there is still charges.
  20. Revolver


    You need to follow this kid's advice. In the context of lenses, of course.
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