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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Revolver


    Hmm, if you made a cheese toastie and then made pizza toast on top of that...
  2. I looked, it's not the adaptor you're looking for.
  3. I found an adaptor in my room yesterday, let me give it a second look.
  4. Revolver


    I used to buy a pack of chicken chunks and put that on it, peppers too.
  5. Not me. It's possible to pinch a swampthing. Holyrollers pinch constantly, swampthings rarely pinch and I never pinched a high roller.
  6. I think I got mine from chain reaction, but they don't have them any more. 2.35 isn't going to be bad, get that if you can.
  7. Revolver


    I developed that myself a few years ago, sorry.
  8. Try something that you know works. Try something that I know works. Swampthing or bust.
  9. Swampthing and a normal innertube = job done.
  10. 10km? Drive that, catch the bus. Furthest I've been on a mod is 10 miles, mind. Walked some of it, it took god damn ages.
  11. I don't recall ever having anything negative said to me whilst riding. I've had the occasional 'show us a trick' or 'do that again', that's all. Course I've also had quite a few 'you need to move on now lads' from security and CPOs.
  12. Colourful bikes are easy to get wrong. You managed not to get it wrong.
  13. Click on a member, it says /user/##### in the url. I'm 15043, you're 7977.
  14. Revolver


    I didn't stay til after the credits. Bit of a weird one, I didn't expect it to be predator type movie. And it's weird because as you said in your spoiler... sort of makes a pointless film.
  15. If you put a seat on it it will sell better to that market. :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 Aaaay. :3
  16. Pimp, that shits on the last colour scheme!
  17. Neither do I, I think he'd think it is too short, but it would be interesting anyway.
  18. There isn't a bolt hole for snail cams. Unless the hole doesn't go all the way through... in which case, you could just drill it all the way through and retap it, then you can use cams on the outside? OR, get that single extra halflink in there and don't be a fag and keep an eye on it and it'll be fine.
  19. I'd like to see this new Antitron video. I'd also like to see what Flipp can do on this bike.
  20. I wonder what you're planning...
  21. Revolver


    I wanted to see the swedish version, I bought the bluray boxset but it didn't work so I returned it. I think I'd've actually enjoyed the films more if I watched them first instead of reading the books. I think I'll see the other two if they get made though.
  22. Revolver


    I watched the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo in the cinema not too long ago. I'd read the book beforehand, and I think because of that it felt like it was missing so much out, like it was going so fast. Otherwise not too bad.
  23. Post your answers on here then!
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