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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I hoped the bb would be higher than that. Still, looks fresh and I'd love to try one.
  2. Nothing stopping you using the evo adaptors, but I think you're better off using a well set up vee brake on vee mounts.
  3. According to tarty you're paying about half price atm, that doesn't sound too bad.
  4. Yeah, not as tight as he must be doing them up, though.
  5. Revolver


    Cool I tried to get my guinea pig to do stuff when she was alive. She was reluctant.
  6. I think it would be worth offering up the brake + adaptor to it. From that picture I suspect using an adaptor it might foul on the chainstay, so it wouldn't work. I don't think these frames work with BB7s at all.
  7. Revolver


    Practice, you worked at music productiob, work at that.
  8. Caring about the noise of your brake is like caring how many cupholders your car has.
  9. There;s nothing stopping you from using two left cranks or two right cranks. Except the pedal might undo.
  10. The pedal and crank must match.
  11. It's gotta feel like the BB's scraping on the floor with that bar height! Each to their own. Looks nice other than those sky high bars.
  12. How are you putting in pedals to kill the threads? They don't need doing up particularly tight unless you pedal backwards a lot. They're made to do up when you pedal forwards.
  13. Clean 001 and the 24 tour video are both pretty long. They're street too, which is what it's all about.
  14. It's possible to hammer them back up but it's very difficult. You have to beat the points of the star away from the steerer. I managed to do it in a pair of echo forks but it took AGES. Seriously ages. I beat it so much it ended up turning around inside the steerer tube and it came out looking pretty unusable.
  15. Try asking tartybikes, they're the echo dealer in the UK. If they can't get them for you, no-one can.
  16. There aren't any on tartybikes.
  17. Send them an email, you can find their location so you can visit, and you can ask if they can build a bike for you.
  18. Lol, turns out what I said is coming true. I'm a heatsink yellow fan.
  19. Lol, those are taper and ISIS pullers, and not trials pullers You can get a puller that does both. I've got three.
  20. It's the same as any other crank puller.
  21. Pick any pad and there's someone on here who'll tell you it's good. You can't go far wrong with any of the pads you can get in CNC backings. That's not to say you have to buy the ones in the CNC backings, though.
  22. Best way to get it out, get something long that fits in the steerer but not through the star nut, and hammer it out from the top. This works much better on steerer tubes that don't get narrower to the bottom. Echo steerer tubes do... Best way to get one in, put a bolt in the top and be careful. It'll straighten up a fair bit so you have a bit of a margin for putting it in wonky. You're best to straighten it up as best you can before the second star goes in. Then you can whallop it.
  23. Dunno what's wrong with the rims. Is it because they don't have holes in them? Is that weird in trials now?
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