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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I like how they showed us some great clear pictures so we can see exactly what it looks like.
  2. It looks like this could be a good 'un. Cool vid!
  3. Naturally, I went looking for dumb questions. I got as far as the onza rip bike. I feel sorry for you guys and the amount of times you have to repeat the answer to the question 'what size wheels has it got?'.
  4. He looks a bit like Christian Bale, in my opinion, but I'm struggling to find a picture. I think Christian Bale doesn't really do pictures of himself.
  5. What about using the truvativ BB interface for it? That might work, right?
  6. On the other hand, a lack of balance is a severe limiting factor in riding. I'd know... Having sick balance also makes learning stuff easier because you can concentrate on the new technique rather than trying to balance badly too.
  7. It was funny at the grading watching the kids just waving their arms about to the moves. Really, it should get harder towards black belt with the quality of your moves having to get higher to pass the grade. It all depends on the organisation though. Ours seems pretty legit so I should think kid black belts will be at least decent at the moves. Sku, move to notts and join my dojo
  8. That sucks, it just depends on where you go and who's teaching. It seems convenient that the dojo I go to happens to be the headquarters for the karate organisation I'm a member to. So the sensei knows his shit. It's also nice because grading happens somewhere familiar.
  9. Revolver

    Tnn Mounts

    There's a bit cut out of the mounts to fit the booster in there. You could put a washer in to make up the space, then they would work without.
  10. You used a tinypic pic and it's not worked :/
  11. https://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&safe=off&sclient=psy-ab&q=welding+cumbria&oq=welding+cumbria&aq=f&aqi=g-v1g-b2&aql=&gs_l=hp.3..0i15j0i8l2.2387l4888l0l4985l15l12l0l3l3l1l391l1456l7j4j0j1l15l0.frgbld.&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=90e5722aaae42c70&biw=1680&bih=904 OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-
  12. Maybe because it fires off the hearing bit in your brain. Then the reason you can tell the difference between brain music and real music is because you can feel that the ear isn't picking up sounds.
  13. The grading went pretty good. I passed! Got the orange belt. I sort of messed up with some of the techniques, lol, used the wrong hand. Still, I beasted the kata and the partnerwork went well, I drew a guy who I'd practiced it with before so it was just like a regular training session. It was weird being in with a pile of kids. An army of midgets, that's how my brother described it. Thankfully the adults were up first, so it was all over and done with nice and quick. I think red belt is next, looking forward to that already!
  14. Dunno what you're on about, I've never had anything to do with any dodgy new trials forums....
  15. Someone tried to use a hope lever on a magura once I think. It didn't work, the seals corroded.
  16. That's because no-one wants to get rid of one.
  17. Going on the tartybikes brake setup video, you need to set up your brake better - it should make the same sound going both ways.
  18. Sounds interesting. Sounds quite like ju-jutsu, which involves a lot of redirecting the opponent's energy. Karate doesn't have much of that but the techniques for blocking if done correctly are meant to redirect your opponent's punches as opposed to just stopping them.
  19. Even though I've only been doing this for a few weeks, I've already noticed an increase in confidence. What does Mu Te Shin Do involve?
  20. I wonder if anyone else on here does martial arts? Thought I'd start a topic, maybe we can get some discussion going, or track people's progress. On sunday is the grading for Karate, I started it at the end of february so I hope to grade to the next level, which I think is red belt.
  21. Feel free to bleed your brake with up to 100% antifreeze. It doesn't seem to corrode the internals. After all, a great deal of the hosing on a car that it runs through is plastic. Antifreeze, screenwash, mixed or concentrated, up to you. If you don't like the sound of neat concentrated screenwash or whatever you choose, you can mix it to 1:3, that's probably what it says on the bottle to use.
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