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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. I can't be bothered to faff with proxy sites to give you millions of votes. But I have noticed that if you go back every so often it lets you vote again. So I've given you 3 so far.
  2. This is another occasion where holding onto a few pieces of information is beneficial.
  3. Open it anyway! Consumers can buy spares so presumably it's ok for consumers to replace them themselves.
  4. Better open it up then. It's not too hard, grab the sprocket and twist it in the freewheeling direction and pull firmly and it'll come out. See what's going on. Hope's warranties are meant to be great so if it's really bust, somehow, they'll sort you out. Maybe there's some swarf in there or something.
  5. Get an onza zoot! The completes are £540, see if you can pick up a standard one that someone changed their mind about on here or ebay.
  6. This guy's lucky enough to have a spare ti BB knocking around in his shed, so he put it on, that's all.
  7. What's this got to do with music?
  8. That stuff with a person lying on the ground is so lame. Otherwise pretty cool
  9. If you don't mind not having a gauge, and you don't mind a cheap pump, the track pump from wilkos is pretty good. It's small too, so easy to carry for a track pump. It'd be a damn sight faster than any mini pump.
  10. I'm jelly. I did that typical thing of students where they take it easy towards the beginning and then ramp up the hours at the end. I've been pretty good with deadlines so far. :/
  11. So am I, but I've got to finish this animation.
  12. Jarlsberg is the cheese that's famous for holes. Leerdammer is a make of that, it's pretty tasty. Try melting it in a croissant with some mushrooms under the grill.
  13. Wonder if that street frame is actually a GT frame.
  14. You are a bad man and a deserter.
  15. It's probably just bedding in. Chains stretch a fair bit when they're new. So long as it's not skipping, it's fine.
  16. Lol, I can see where this is going. Yeh man e is grate e dus dem wiles withot oedlin sik innit.
  17. Oh yeah, I totally forgot, let me go back and edit that in.
  18. Dannnnnnnnnnnnnn2702838242358's gay. Edit: Adding more Ns to Dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn234765436789045789's name. Edit 2: Adding 23492834928374908273402374 to Dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn165196511564156125122707's name.
  19. Let's go with this - if someone's used that and their brake didn't melt, it must obviously work.
  20. Pre-watch YES FLIPP! Post-watch YES FLIPP!
  21. You could drill each end, it should prevent the crack from spreading, then wrap it in carbon.
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