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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Good old TF Justice Crew. I hope it goes well.
  2. Probably paint it their favourite colour, or black. It just seems weird to paint your bike a colour someone else wants it to be instead of one you want.
  3. Sweet Jesus, is this a 'what colour should I paint my bike' thread? I LOVE THOSE.
  4. There is a bunch of stuff it's worth practicing first. The number one is trackstanding, and balance. If you skimp on that you'll end up a dodgy rider. If you can't bunnyhop at all, learn that next, or at the same time, up to you. Being able to hop on the spot is handy, so are rolling bunnyhops up things. Backhops is another one, and with that, rear wheel balance. http://www.trashzen.com/ - this website has guides including a few videos. The guy who runs it wrote a book too, you could buy that from tartybikes.
  5. It's rider's eye, I think all riders get it, for what ever kind of riding they do. I do it too, I've seen stuff in town I want to do. When this new tyre comes I might just go and do some of it!
  7. Make sure you only grind in one direction. Don't wipe the grinder back and forwards, it undoes some of your work.
  8. Nick pulls off what's easily the best line in the video, for me. In reading I think. These GET videos I think are filmed in spare time so it'd be some time before a GET3 would come out. It explains why the riding in GET2 spans a number of years. It's still great though. I dunno how it can get old as such, seeing as there's still huge stuff in there that a lot of people on here couldn't do. Unless of course you mean you've overwatched it.
  9. Revolver

    Sexy Coccinelle

    Have to say, food genuinely came out of my mouth when I saw the front wheel and fork legs roll into shot on their own.
  10. Spose if you live on the Isle of Wight you get a bit of a discount. Jealous.
  11. It's built like a tank so it should survive. If you're killing an inspired team, a skye might be strong enough. If you're not... it's your call. The axles are used on DH bikes so they're pretty available.
  12. Weirdoku's suggested they way I'd do it. You could also make each line on seperate layers so you can select them independently.
  13. Nice. The wheels looked too big though.
  14. It doesn't matter. All trials frames are very low for clearance. Sizing is more about getting the seat height right, but most trials bikes don't have seats. If comfort is an issue you can change the stem and handlebars to alleviate pain.
  15. Sure, why not. You just need to make sure you can cut the pad material to fit in.
  16. Take a pic, let's have a look. Onza did used to make a weird kind of mount that fit 19 and 20 inch rims.
  17. Revolver

    Cap, Stan And Matt

    Laurence--Trials, TF's resident brake anorak.
  18. Indeed, it'd be nice to have a streety tyre that doesn't flop around and let pinches in all the time.
  19. Is it the standard setup? If you've been riding bmxs or downhill bikes before this that'll make you feel even more over the front. Stick with it for a while, you'll get used to it, although JD's advice is still valid, and will help it ride better when you are used to it.
  20. IS this your first trials bike? Trials bikes do sit you quite far forwards compared to other bikes.
  21. Revolver

    Cap, Stan And Matt

    Same! Feels good doesn't it? Maybe sometime next week then, if the weather's better.
  22. Revolver

    Cap, Stan And Matt

    Meet you there sometime?
  23. Enjoyed it, I like this style of video. I liked the other barcelona video too.
  24. Revolver

    Cap, Stan And Matt

    I want to go to hathersage. And barrow farm, both look great.
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