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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. WTF is this shit, it's 2:20am and I feel BADASS, but it's bed time. Stupid...

  2. Revolver


    Do I buggery. I'm making this next week sometime
  3. Revolver


    I think that's right. It tasted a bit like pitta. Next time it will be better. I think next time I might for for PINZZEPTION. Where you make a calzone with tomato and some meat and veg, and then flatten the top and make another full blown pizza on top. Man, am I looking forwards to that.
  4. Revolver


    It might've been better if I bought the right amount of pizza dough mix, this was 50% plain flour, lol.
  5. Revolver


    Thought I'd try it out myself. Needed more tomato sauce in it, and more cheese but otherwise TASTY!
  6. Master indeed! Those things are impossible.
  7. Is it glazed? You could try polishing it out. Caustic soda/ mr muscle might shift it but that might make a mess like in your bath.
  8. Revolver


    What about a burrito pizza? Find a ready made pizza base, cook your chilli con carne, slap it on the pizza and hose it down with cheese, a dash of that sour cream shite on there too, oven and BAM, fusion food. Could calzone it up too.
  9. Revolver


    It was arse? That doesn't sound good.
  10. Revolver


    I have a picture of the tuna dish, maybe I'll upload it tomorrow
  11. Revolver


    Made a f**king good stir fry just now. Mange tout, baby sweet corn, tenderstem broccoli, bit of pak choi and some lemongrass and a chilli (comes in a little packet from sainsbury's) In with some tuna, some soy sauce, fish sauce (nam pla) and a tiny bit of wasabi. Some udon noodles as well. Use tuna in spring water though, the other kinds have some extra flavours that are shit. Brine, eurgh. Pretty good, that. I'd add more wasabi next time though. Word of warning if you buy that packet from sainsbury's - don't use a whole stick o lemongrass, it's quite strong. Another top tip, similar kind of veg but with chicken, soy sauce and a teaspoon of chicken stock powder, turns out tasting like something our local chinese does! Best thing is, it only takes 10, 15 mins to cook. Try it and let me know! Share some of your own.
  12. 104bcd..? Are you looking for a granny ring or a normal ring? I don't think you'd get a granny ring that big. On the plus side, any ring should take a half-link.
  13. Went riding yesterday. I can feel it now... I did something scary! It was this gap, maybe 4 or 5 feet wide and possibly 3foot high off the floor. Two flower beds with brick round the edges and bushes in the middle. Haha, I need to do more things like that.
  14. Any tube will do, really. If you get a tyre with good solid sidewalls, you'll not get many pinches. I used to have a kenda 2.5mm thick tube and a shit tyre and pinched that loads.
  15. Where is my god-damn tyre...?

    1. Greetings


      Under the bonnet of your 126p?

    2. Revolver


      It's probably knocking around some scrapyard then. Thanks! Now I know where to start looking!

  16. Ohhh, so that's how you do it. So tomorrow I'm off out to fall off my bike.
  17. Wow, Flipp and shipley get on well. I wanna see some Hathersage action!
  18. I've seen bashrings designed like that on their front side. Crack on and get smashing it into stuff!
  19. Revolver

    Hey !

    If you're looking for places to mountain bike, so, cross country and downhill type places, you're in the wrong place. If you're looking for places to ride trials, you're pretty close here but OTN would be better as that seems more based on your side of the atlantic.
  20. Looks fine, get on with it and ride.
  21. Suddenly BOTI, and the car thread, are now only 4 pages long. I wonder what happened to all those posts?
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