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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. It depends, my ciguena worked better in the middle. See where the brake lines up, if it'd work better, or no wOrse slammed, do it.
  2. Revolver


    Stick, string and a worm. How hard can it be?
  3. Revolver


    The problem with shortbread is it's shit. As far as biscuitis go, chocolate hobnobs, the chocolate and caramel mcvities, and ginger nuts are the best. Twixes make the best dunking.
  4. If it bends the frame, buy a booster. If you do that it should last for ages.
  5. Went on a ride last friday, someone actually clapped when I did something. That was nice.
  6. There's natural at matlock, and there's some closer to leicester. I dunno of any closer to nottingham :/
  7. Revolver


    Biscuit's what? What does biscuit own? The suspense is killing me!
  8. Flat bars are gross, sell those and just roll your bars.
  9. Doh, if only I was free, then I'd come.
  10. Nottingham's square would be great for street, shame about the PCSOs. There's one or two Places I can think of that might be worth a look. If you're uP here....
  11. Ban that, just roll them forwards. And you should have platforms anyway!
  12. What's this? Doesn't anyone ride a proper bike in leeds any more?
  13. Sounds worth remembering.
  14. Nothing ever does! Stick that at the bottom
  15. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah BARSPINS
  16. Revolver


    Better add riding the bike to that, maaaate.
  17. Hope you've got a set of pedals!
  18. Revolver

    Craig Lee Scott

    Fo real? I skipped the car bit. I also thought he'd jump the gate
  19. My RE teacher in school told us how she'd been drafted in for it twice and managed to get out of it both times, but I can't remember what she said. The form's in the post now anyway, lets see what they say about my graduation.
  20. I like the sound of this 'getting paid' stuff. Looks like I could claim for if I can't go to work either, which could happen, and I can get money for driving into town. Just better get it moved.
  21. I reckon I can get it moved, yeah. If I can't talk about it, oops That's probably about the actual court cases. It does seem interesting...
  22. Well, I got a letter in the post. Looks like I won jury duty! Wish I'd've won the euromillions instead. Totally not feeling it but it's duty, isn't it? Problem is the date I'm due there is the week I've got my graduation. I wonder if I can get out of doing it? Anyone else got any jury duty stories?
  23. Post it on vimeo? http://ogio.com/backpacks That's where to look, but it doesn't seem like it's there. It doesn't look like it's made for that, perhaps any old bag with straps on the back could handle the job with a bit of forethought? http://ogio.com/backpacks/throttle It looks like that, but this one has no straps on the back. You can see at 1:40, seems like his doesn't either.
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