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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. funnily enough i can pedal kick without using my brake doing it makes you realise the connection between tricks like abubacas and fufanus and pedal kicks YEAH 1st post for... 4 months? lol
  2. tits (seen the ad? lets get that top off ^^) ahaaahahaa
  3. DDE for alevel - DT, Biology, and Geog. which is precisely what I got in AS juat goes to show, being a lazyb*****d isn't really a good career option never mind, I'm doing a course at a college that's goin to pwn, its like perfect for me.
  4. This is my favourite its a busy day in heaven and so god says to st. peter "only let people in who've had interesting deaths." so peter asks people for the story of their deaths, and after turning a few away, one man walks up "can i come in?" "Only if you've had an interesting death." "Ok, well, i was driving home after work, speeding cus i'm sure my wife was having an affair with me. So i got home, and I catch the lift up to my floor; i live in a block of flats, 12 floors, I live on the 11th. Anyway, I burst in through the door, and there's my wife on the bed, naked, so I figured, he's gotta be in here somewhere. So there I am, running about the house checking the wardrobe, the shower, the cupboards, and then a stroke of genius, he must be on the balcony. I rush out, and lo and behold there's a bloke hanging by his fingers off the balcony. So, as you would, I was stamping on his hands, kicking his fingers, until he let go. I watched to make sure, but the lucky c**t landed in a bush. I rushed back inside, and picked up the first thing, which was the fridge, heaved it over the balcony and watched as it hit the twat square on the head. But then, with all the strain of picking up the fridge, I got a terrible pain in my chest and had a heart attack." "Now that's a story... Poor guy, sure, you can come in." Couple of souls later a guy comes up, and st. peter says, "How did you die?" "Well, I live on the top floor of these apartments, and I was out on my balcony doing my exercise routine, when a huge wind came, and next thing I know I'm falling. I was lucky enough to catch the balcony below, and I was hanging there thinking I was gonna die. Moments later this dude runs out, and for a second I thought he'd save me, but he starts swearing and stamping on my fingers. I soon loose my grip, and I'm falling again, praying not to die, when I land in a bush, and somehow I'm still alive. I check to see if anything's broken, and then I look up to thank god, when a fridge lands on my head." "Ah, I see... well, come on in." The next guy in the queue steps up, and as before, st. peter asks him, "How did you die? " The guy says, "well, picture this, I'm in a fridge..." :lol:
  5. lmao! why did it get bumped then? pshhhh
  6. that's definately the solution, modems can't use both ports at once u just need to plug your computer into a network cable and into the router also, get a faster net connection not that you particularly need it, but it will help with the whole sites thing, because even on a router it will struggle sometimes, my mate does it
  7. lol, i'm doing an a-level equivalent course next year, so i dont really need my a levels, thank god I'd like to see C's, but if they reflect the effort i put it, then u,d,or e =) and i'm a smart person! unfortunately very lazy =S
  8. 'lectric guitar and that's about it, lol.
  9. transformers was THE best film i've seen so far Especially because of the F*** OFF big robots beating each other up and the cars and megan fox Shia laBoeuf (hell of a name) is one lucky b*****d...
  10. basically, get a chain tool and use it to push the pin in and out of the link this works, kinda the best way, though, is to ride on it. But i always do the above first to my stiff links
  11. done 6th form, and s'bob forgot when results day is for a-levels
  12. hmm, i've had 2 stolen one was a shite raleigh, green, XC, had a rear piece of rubber as a shock this dude told me in the morning on the way to school, "gunna rob a bike today" then when i were settin off home cs i lost the key to the lock (angle grinder >] ) wanker had a black dude stop me (classic wheel in front of urs job) showed me a screwdriver, and i got off. musta bin 5 years older mind TWUNT so i walked to't local cop 'ole and reported it 2nd, left it outside the shop where i posted papers for, like a eedjit. i've had a dude randomly take offence to me, and leg it across a road to demand my bike, and he was like, gimme yer bike and i was like, no, it's mine, get ur own and he was like, *smack to the face* which was my cue to ride the f**k away =) stronger now, mind, but doesn't help that u've got a bike between ur legs when u wanna kick the s**t out of the cock trying to rob you. otherwise, i'd gladly dropkick em >]
  13. ermm sometimes (depends on the keyboard) u can find a folder with a document in that tells it what to do when special keys are pressed there's one in xp ive not seen one on vista, but i don't have special keys like that however, maybe u could create one? it would help if u could find one to model it on though
  14. its brand new =) but might be lol i bought em off CRC
  15. i was busy backhopping when my tpa doohickey issued a click and now it seems to have cross-threaded and it's not turning any more maybe it was because i'd turned it to let me have single-finger stopping lol happened before? and what cn i do about it?
  16. Revolver

    I Want A Van

    nevermind a VAN, u want a FLAT freeeeedom! failing that, a toyota hilux, brap, they're (nearly) indestructible!
  17. www.myspace.com/halo_of_chaos add me if u likes lol
  18. Well, I wanna buy a t-rex, basically but there's a couple of things that onza haven't got written down on their websites so i might as well ask on here: what are the BB rise and the headtube length of the t-rex frame? because i'm going to need a new stem, and i need the BB rise to choose which length and rise stem i need and I want to cut the steerer tube down in advance Thanks
  19. why not have 26" trials frames with a bashplate, like the base ta26? because using a bashguard means that the thing you are stalling on is free to rotate as your pedals do... so if you wanted to turn your cranks to get them into a better position, you might lose your balance.
  20. Just wondering, from two points of view Do people prefer mod bikes or stock bikes? partly because, not having a trials bike, there is still the option of buying a mod instead of a stock but also because i've noticed in videos, mods tend to outnumber stocks immensely. so, mod or stock, and why?
  21. on this comp, norton says none on the other one, 6 but norton is soooo sloooow when its scanning someone recommend me a free virus scanner, my free norton subscription is runnin out.
  22. i wish... i had the cash for a GU typhoon built with all the blue parts like the one on the GU website it looks sooooo nice!
  23. safe, will do that i was just eyeing up the GU typhoon, realised that that can be my bike for when i'm good, it's too nice to trash learning on it!
  24. rear suspension shocks! like on that video... although to be honest it is a lot of extra weight it would be good if frames didn't need special things to be bought, e.g mag mounts- should come with the 4-bolt clamps, and no internal headsets, cus i'm gna have to fork out another 25quid for clamos and 60 for a headset for my t-rex... and i'm tight, really.
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