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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. one must think, if there are soul mates, are there soul loners?
  2. yep be nice and you get nice back be a dick and you get dick back i'm not gay, so i'll take the nice option It's kinda complicate dto write down, but i also meant that, say, if you were to always be a positive person, but you seemed always to receive negativity, that perhaps later down the line the positivity is rewarded... something like that. I mostly like the fact that traffic lights favour me when i'm late. or seem to safe, fate
  3. forget the bike, the kitchen looks sick! lmao, that's a nice bike dude, good that you built it up
  4. i believe more in karma, something closer to a force that decides what stuff happens to you and when, based on whether you deserve it etc it doesn't stop me doing bad stuff though perhaps because i'm not religious and don't have strong beliefs
  5. more 24"ers! best compromise between flickkyness and stability whilst we're on the subject, how much are zoots going for nowadays?
  6. Revolver


    lol i nearly invented a water powered car but water takes too much energy to split, so there's be no return fiddlesticks dick'ed fuel prices, i lolled when i finally saw a new board at work with 3 digits instead of one, i wonder if they put the prices up to afford those? lmao
  7. i got validated in one day i did it by writing a good topic in full and proper english
  8. love, my ass i figured the whole thing out but anyway, liking girls for me is heartache and something i put all my strength into stopping when i realise its starting to happen
  9. don't buy it, it will break. you want a bike you can crack yourself and be proud you rode that hard to do so
  10. i'd be happy with a cleaner or a hitman i'd stick my evo2 mag on there straight away and get learning trials for real the only thing stopping me from buying one of those is i'm promised my mate's t-mag for 300 when he gets a new bike funniest thing is, that bike will have had two owners with the same name argh, i want a trials bike! f**kin' christmas presents
  11. but dude, that's like a christmas present in itself (for you )
  12. i ant bought a Christmas present yet i really want to get gears though
  13. i have registry mechanic it's not free, exactly...
  14. i dent watch the boxing, but i heard khan beat the other dude in 70 seconds HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA khan the legend
  15. Revolver


    hah iPhones what were apple thinking? if you want an iPhone cheap, get it from france, its only a train ride away. They have a law that stops it from being contract-only or something.
  16. its the silver one less than a year old
  17. safe yeah, when i rode it it was sick! i've not come across many trials bikes though lol, i think we're a rare breed it's piss easy to backhop and stuff however, if it falls through, what other mods do u reckn i can get a hold of for 250-350 quid? thanks
  18. in february or so i'm going to inherit a t-mag for 300quid or so what do u reckon? it will be standardish, i think my mate's going to replace the bb and cranks though, or atleast he'd better cus they're F**KED! he said he dented the downtube slightly slightly as in, you probably wouldn't notice it 'chu guys reckon anyway?
  19. naaah i've took it out already i'd need to molegrip both the bolt and the TPA wheel so that i could twist it back onto the right thread path i cba atm though, its my front brake and it turns out there's so little room between the pads ad the rim that if i made it any harder i'd endo myself to death lol
  20. my fking TPA broke on the first day i had it i wound it all the way out and then when i used it it uttered a loud click and cross threaded. So now it doesn't turn. >( Thankfully enough it works well enough for me to not be arsed to fix it [= yeah, so to people wondering about the new design, DONT wind it all the way out DONT. why didn't they do something clever and make it completely out of metal?
  21. hahahahahaha ok maybe she was only saying that to make you feel better
  22. i've heard onza rear hubs are a bit poo what you could do is stash aside money, and then you can replace the first (thus shittest) thing to break immediately
  23. lol i figured it would be practise lmao erm, i'm choosing mod because, for a start, there's one avaliable to me for cheap, but most importantly because i've rode it and thought it was sicker than sick i;ve rode the onza zoot, and that's cool, but the mod is nicer i think lolol i told you it was a stupid question [= someone hurry up and make 23" bikes
  24. so, i've rode trials for a bit i rode it on my mtb until i got sick of it being shite and having bb SINK and i'm soon to buy a mod, an onza t-mag anyway, the stupid question i've got to ask is about riding the bike when you see trials videos, you see people on mods jump up things that are 4ft how in the hell do you do it?!#?!@!
  25. Ibanez RG370DX and Schecter blackhawk and soon to have a Line6 spiderIII 30 c'mon
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