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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. gettem new then or, get 4bolt only and a conversion still, if you get 4bolt + vee conversion, u may as well get vee + disc forks
  2. if you have 4bolt mounts, get adapters.
  3. i got stuck to my bike cus of this i couldn't walk, i had to drag my bike home. I couldn't free it cus it was too tight, and the pedal and bashplate are mighty sharp. i got some chavpants to ride in instead, but nowt beats shorts for anti-trouserbite
  4. mecca, the place muslims go to because it's the centre of their religion
  5. Revolver


    true, no-one does care so there's no harm
  6. i'm not sure anyone can be as influential as martyn. He was there at the start of mountain bike trials and helped it to become its own sport. I have my moments
  7. Revolver


    done my work for me
  8. i haven't done natural, but i think i prefer it anyway
  9. Revolver


    lmao! i was wondering if trials attracted a more clever following than other sports...
  10. a schecter bc 1 blackhawk and an ibanez rg370dx
  11. i think i have a dicta if i counted right, its 20 engagements the ENO is the best one.
  12. word although my mate does it and plays some decent stuff, its still annoying
  13. Revolver


    IQ is two letters and stuff has to be 3+ letters to be able to search for thus making a search impossible
  14. Revolver


    IQ test i scored 133, which puts me just nicely above the top range boundary of the national average everyone post their scores, and see what the outcome is... just because you have a good IQ, doesn't mean you can't be a jackass
  15. WORD good point you know but then, fat short people would be paying the same as tall skinny people cus they weigh the same
  16. erm something like that everyone might tell the guy not to go with this girl again, but that's not going to stop his subconscious from getting him to do it anyway... yeah, curiosity i think... but there's more to it
  17. figure of speech is it not you know, no matter how much someone might tell you something is bad, sometimes you do it anyway to know for yourself
  18. bit of a b*****d that, it sounds like you should forget it, but sometimes to know fire burns you have to touch it /analogy
  19. heh, i can't even really jump to the side/front from the back wheel, only from both.
  20. getting arrested for breaking stuff i shouldn't have I have some other stuff but its more funny than bad, and it doesn't seem appropriate what with some of the stuff other people have written.
  21. >( I f**kin hate that worst band... you know, i dunno, cus i don't listen to music i don't like worst song: you know, that soulja boy one was a bit shite: hey, people, i can do this dance, learn it and do it so you can look like a twat too, and i get minted, thanks
  22. praise the lord! /god squad
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