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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. i used to nick stuff from school, but i never got excluded
  2. shit, i hope mine's not frozen too
  3. normally, you have at the top - a rubber ring to hold it together, the outer shell bit, the bearings, which if sealed, should not be loose, then the cup in the frame, and in the bottom - a cup, another set of bearings, then sometimes a plastic ring, some form of race, and then the flange on the forks if you've got anything that's not a complete ring, its broke. If your bearings are loose and they should be sealed, its broke. otherwise, its just come apart
  4. your headset doesn't look broken, but to tell you'd really need to put it on a bike and see how it feels. If it's rough, its f**ked
  5. wiki/Fixing_Magura_lazy_pistons i read your topic title and thought of that vid
  6. take the cylinder off, attach a pump to the hose and gently force air into the cylinder its on the wiki as, how to fix a lazy piston
  7. what the shizzite is that?
  8. it could burn into your cornea slowly and cause early cataracts OR i'm bullshitting, and nothing will come of it except you'll be more careful with nitro fuel
  9. it would be interesting, but, loads of people like ground rims, so maybe manufacturers should make rims knurled? I think knurling your rims would be better than grinds, but if you were to do it, the pressure needed to make the knurl work could possibly collapse the walls. After all, rims aren't really made to withstand being squashed from the side like that, its a force that is pretty much non-existent on a bike
  10. i rode home on friday and the spot outside the co-op was heaving with chavs - young ones, particularly girls. now, anyone that looks intimidating is going to instantly make me be more defensive, but I'm a decent character judge so I can often tell the jebs from the good 'uns a chav to me is someone who dresses as we all say they do. But if I knew someone, who dressed like a chav, but didn't behave like a twat, i'd probably say, he looks like a chav but he isn't one. More importantly, rather than thinking, oh that guy's a chav, i'm more likely to think, that guy's a dickhead... cus here in notts we get LOADS of people who are following this chav trend, but there's still a difference between people who take on the appearance of a trend and people who also take on the (apparent) ideals of the trend, and the second of those is what I'd call a dickhead. It's a shame to see people are weak-minded enough to follow into some trends, and to then get dragged into behaving like one of them. Basically, if I see someone behaving as though they think they're IT, then I'll take a dislike to them. If i see someone who's behaving like they think they're just a person and has an idea of their place in the world, I'll take them as that.
  11. f**k antifreeze water bleeds are good, really quick response, and its piss easy to do wd40 bleed?!?! but wd40 comes in an aerosol can? how the f**k did you do that?
  12. someone who lives in nottingham suggested a 4:00 ride, just because our square is good for trials, but if you set tyre in the wrong place there, in seconds you get some pretend policeman telling you to bob off... 4:00 sounds like an amazing time to ride, i really like being out late/early because it's like you've got the world to yourself. Last time i was out that late, i rode all over the road just because I could, and it was weird because there wasn't a car for miles. Early morning rides *** if only i could be arsed to get up so early
  13. some viruses infect the registry, and so can still be there if you reformat your computer
  14. super middleweight but i'd be a light heavyweight or cruiserweight if i was actually strong hehe =[
  15. ... but some of us don't have that much money to spend... if i had a 300gb one i still wouldn't fill it...
  16. yeah, i was surprised to find that there was an external drive for ~£65 and an internal for ~£65 also, not including caddy they do terabyte ones! WELL EXPENSIVE though... www.dabs.com have them
  17. if you're going for one with a power cable, might i suggest buying the drive and caddy/box separately? It works out cheaper, especially if you choose OEM hard drives.
  18. wikipedia says there's nothing inside it. Its the holiest place for muslims i used to think it was a PHAT black stone... now if that was the case, riding it would be joke. Otherwise, there'd be too many people in the way. Also, interestingly enough, only a muslim can enter the area it's in... that was a big OT the trials park looks sick! looking forwards to our own in lancashire
  19. i'm not sure there's much difference what forks? there you'll see someone else has already had this discussion v!z forks seemed to be popular in that thread, bit much though compared to the echo forks.
  20. if you're doing backhops (bouncing on the backwheel in place) then you don't need to do it high, just well balanced. It's pedalkicks (forwards hops on back wheel) where you want anything like distance or height as for getting the balance to do it many times, practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise practise and more practise
  21. you're not likely to get a decent set of forks without a disc mount cut it off?
  22. the forks? ... evans had some bontrager carbon ones no f**kin vee mounts though kona project 2's? probably too heavy
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