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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Leg-man. Lego. Legga. Between-the-legs.
  2. I know kung fu. Kind of...
  3. They will when you tell them.
  4. To be fair to the residents, they do look out of place.
  5. Apple have once again ruined iTunes' ability to fit in a screen when maximised. What use is a scroll bar when it's not on the screen? In fact, it's worse than before because last time the scroll bar protruded onto the other screen but now it just gets cut off.
  6. Remember ages ago I told you about ram problems? You gave me this test to put on a CD and run, and told me to run it with both and then each ram stick. It worked fine with either stick but as soon as the second one went in it shat bricks.
  7. For the sidehop, should it be measured from the floor or the top of the sidehop helper? If it's from the floor, Matt is a dirty cheat.
  8. Get a seat in that seat tube for extra cool points.
  9. Revolver


    I think I saw some clips in there that were of stand-alone taps and gaps. And now the trials world implodes.
  10. I sold it, I have a seat zoot now! I have a ciguena frame in my shed though.
  11. Well, yeah, but no because no-one can really agree what it means, and more importantly, how the meaning is represented in activity. So I decided to go further back and use the word itself to try and clarify it and as it happens, most things you do on a bike count as trials. Including when I try to bomb it to work on my commuting bike faster than the time before, because I am trialling myself, I am pushing my limits.
  12. Lucky that the bike didn't go in the water. That would suck eeeeeven more.
  13. Beware. I attempted to crank my laptop up to 4gb but the power supply couldn't handle all of that. I still have the spare stick knocking around. Try and find out what power supply your laptop runs before you buy a pile of ram.
  14. Actually, I thought about it more, and according to this logic, anyone who pushes their limits on a bike rides trials. I want everyone to give a warm welcome to all the downhill, dirt jump, bmx, and road riders who are now trials riders.
  15. If testing your abilities counts as a trial, then any occasion where a person is pushing what they can do is trials, so now it must include wallrides and 360s and anything else, including what Sean Watson gets up to. It's ok everyone, crisis over. Logic gave us the answer - we all ride trials.
  16. If I can put together some sick lines next time I'm out, I'll enter, just for the fun, and the incentive to make a video.
  17. I will go with a new approach. The word trial means a test, or competition, so from that we can understand trials means competitions. Applying this to bikes, anyone who rides competitions rides trials. Anyone who doesn't ride competitions isn't riding trials. I don't know if all the TGS guys ever rode competitions but if they didn't, they never rode trials.
  18. Revolver

    Big Bmx

    That's not a big bmx, it's just a small child. Also, the music in that video is awful.
  19. Do not buy it. You can't guarantee he won't send you a stapler or something else that clicks instead.
  20. Stand back, he used an acronym. That must mean he knows his shit.
  21. I didn't know gravel could be scared. You will probably be fine, rock is well known for being confident.
  22. You need a video to celebrate that fact!
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