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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. wasn't this thread closed?
  2. i did say i'd like the journey. And you're right, no wait. phil then replied with, oh dear and then the lobster dogs came out
  3. i see your standard lobster dog and raise you..
  4. what happened, did you try it and the bike didn't change trains?
  5. because it's brake and not brack
  6. they're not for me then my brakes slip quite often... not surprising since i have standard pads and smooth rims
  7. for me: 1) i'd enjoy the journey, i don't go on trains that much 2) i'd get to see a different city/town 3) i'd get to exchange goods in person, always a good thing
  8. hehe looks like you quoted the wrong thing there
  9. perhaps that's what 'remember to backup your work' really means...
  10. pressure, gotcha and we want lots of that
  11. if the piston size is the diameter of the piston, then that means more fluid goes in the piston even if its the piston length, more fluid how come that means less leverage?
  12. it's a customer lol who comes in normally on a friday notlong after i start and she always comes in with her friend i know she likes me, because i've thought about it hard and decided i'm certain. i don;t know her name though i will do when i get her phone number though
  13. how come? (i don't know much about hydraulic brakes except, piston goes in, fluid moves, other piston goes out)
  14. cool, they look nice i'd have them in orange though
  15. +1 i ast her to go to the cinema once... but apparently she'd seen all the films and was busy on what ever day i chose i wonder what that f**kin' meant.... >( /OBVIOUS meh, got a new interest myself, but she hasn't been in for ages now
  16. not that i started trials long ago, but i'd send back to me when i was 14: a gu typhoon frame the Art of Trials dvd (with a note stuck to it saying, fkin don't slack off) and a set of nice, oil-bled hs33's
  17. s'aight its a good choice at the very least she's good scenery not that that's my approach to women she likes motoGP
  18. lol if it is who'll pay the compensation? besides, no-one will know it's happening, time slows down when you pass the event horizon in a manner dictated by a reciprocal graph like so: so it never fully stops because we're all in the black hole, time to us appears to be passing at the same rate, but it's not. We won't realise it, but all our particles will be stretched out from the outside of the black hole to the inside or something like that ... need to finish a brief history of time
  19. did you read what he wrote about not meaning it? hehe
  20. ohhhh.... supervises a lot, works on checkouts otherwise... has you on facebook
  21. Revolver


    I once saw a guy on a blue PHASE bike up by the willoughby pub in wollaton, notts i was like, oh my god, another trials rider near me! but i couldn't stop to chat cus i was with a fleet of (b*****d) bmxers who rode faster than me
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