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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. no, the head tube was fine it took drop-offs well as well i wouldn't use full-size forks on one for proper proper riding though, definitely get them lowered.
  2. make a 3-4 min version of i, phil i've had the tune in my head for ages now!
  3. can't you just tell her to keep quiet? oh wait, girls find it hard enough not to chat shit, so not much chance of that, then. =/
  4. ibanez for the win i love mine, wish the pickups were better though
  5. congratulations, this has succeeded in being a ridiculously large bumped post
  6. you can, my friend had a 24" GT bmx that he did that to, and it was nice. Only he didn't cut down the forks. You're best buying a 24" street frame that's designed to take suspension though. That way you've got someone to turn to if it breaks. Try an NS bitch or an NS suburban not sure if they're 24 though!
  7. that reminds me of one of our computers. It went wrong, and we rang up and they said, "use the installation discs." We said, "there wasn't any." They said. "You should've made some using the CD Rewriter." We said, "It didn't have a b*****d CD/RW." They said, "Oh." ideally, you need to get hold of one. I'd suggest wiping the HD, and buying OEM windows and installing it, but i'm sure there's a better way to do it. When a HD i had f**ked up, a mate took it and hooked it up to his, formatted it and reinstalled windows like that.
  8. same, except for sainsbury's, and also, ner ner ner ner ner, i get staff discount.
  9. perhaps a USB? lookie here anyway: CRC hardtail frames a revel 250R would do the trick quite nicely, i think here
  10. the reason why is because the majority of people don't ride trials, and the majority of them don't like people flying around on bikes near them.
  11. but funny funnier if i hadn't seen it before mind
  12. Rise Against - mint band! and before that, the scientist's mix which was really good!
  13. i liked how he could pedal without the cranks turning even more amusing that on GTA san andreas where the wheel on the bikes turn and not the handlebars
  14. I never knew front taps worked that well gotta go learn em now
  15. if i ride in the town centre of notts, i have to be very observant, and move on quick lol and the amphitheare, well, i don't ride there, no point if you only get to do one sidehop or whatever. You just have to keep your eyes open for the CPOs or PCSOs... only the PCSOs have powers, but you can only tell the difference from behind lol.
  16. Revolver


    ooh, the physics has come out!
  17. i like it i especially like the last one good one dude
  18. you so should've used radio buttons and not check boxes
  19. well, i've sent it i hope you like to get the what sounds like an envelope filter effect, you could automate the frequency knob on the filter A MAILER DEMON! i've resent it keep a finger on the refresh button
  20. reason, excellent i have 2.5 i came up with summat that you might be able to use for your synth, if i saved it you could copy the devices over?
  21. word to make it more d&b, i'd've used faster drums, but seeing as you're using live drums, that might strain the drummer. The synth... if you can use an EQ on just the synth, up the treble and the bass of it what are you using?
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