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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. "What helmets are best" One that will save your head.
  2. perfect match for strid0r then
  3. Lord of the rings has a gay love story.
  4. I think there's a sensible compromise to be found. - Do college and work in the evenings after it and on a saturday. Excellent. In fact its such a good plan, I'm doing it!
  5. fixx't I listened to some just now. The guy goes, 'raarrr rarr raaarrr raarrrrrr' I did like the tone of the guitar though. It sounds like EMG pickups though, I'm not a fan of actives, there's little mixing and matching so your stuck with an EMG for the neck and that's shite when for passive you could get a PAF pro. Your music taste is Br00tal.
  6. hadouken are sheeee-iiiiiiiiiiiiiite. Try Alexisonfire.
  7. Revolver

    Ross M mod Clips!

    sickwhat! i mean, that was a good video, got some skills mayte.
  8. These videos are mint! A million times better than the videos people make nowadays. Makes me want to do up my mtb to try some proper riding on that again.
  9. I chose grylls even though I've never seen his show. Mears spends a lot of time talking to random people and thinking, 'what a loverly stream this is...' Grylls drinks from elephant shite though.
  10. Nice site - i like the loading screen I think the green t-shirt with the city is my favourite one
  11. Well done, Fat Pants, you have your own thread (sounds more sarcastic than i meant)
  12. On mine it shows the url as an IP address as opposed to www.trials-forum.co.uk
  13. what the shite...? well, in my firefox it doesn't work. I could do a fully flash site but cba right now. Plus it would be AS2, and plus, I don't know that many fancy tricks in flash just yet. I don't know any javascript! AS is supposed to be very similar though. And I was just trying to make it more valid and I made the gaps appear. Sorted it now, but its still not valid. How important is validity even? Arse. Now the banner and other part has disappeared.
  14. Does firefox prefer sites to be valid xhtml? I validated mine and under xhtml transitional it has 68 errors. oops.
  15. Does anyone have problems with it in firefox? I can see my own website in IE but not firefox >(
  16. Ok well, when I get some more money I'll look for books. Its in AS2 for now, but there's only a tiny bit (not including the game) so it won't take long to update. The site's coming on, its at here but the file manager takes a moment to update, meaning the version you're likely to see isn't the right one, lol. It gives you an idea of the style though.
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