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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. 1) no 2) no 3) some form of financial company.
  2. Its a letter that goes with your CV saying that you're applying for a job, and then name the job, and telling them that your CV is enclosed. There's more to it than that, but I've only done one and I can't rememer it! I guess the full details bit is your grades, etc.
  3. Crazy guy. Well, have fun
  4. I;m surprised no-one's put: I'm fed up of these motherf**king bikes on the train ^ I think they limit how many bikes you can take so that in the event of loads of people wanting to take bikes on a train on the same day to the same place (not likely) there's space.
  5. Cool, some proper riding! Do keep riding in dubai, it would be mint for you, to find new spots. It'd also be cool to watch the vids and see the massive skyscrapers in the background Enjoy it over there and thanks for the wallpaper!
  6. Not In My Back Yard. Someone who doesn't want things happening near them, for example a wind turbine - they'd go insane saying they want it to be put elsewhere. Part of the reason they're put at sea. The main reason being, winds are stronger at sea.
  7. IT'S MINE One of the brake mounts is fine, the other is welded on in such a way that when you tighten the clamp, it pulls the piston out of line and you get one end of the pad very close to the rim, and one further away. And yes, its got a disc mount, dual disc is on its way. Good luck finding one though, they're discontinued, and the people who have them seem to be keeping hold of them. I've only seen two for sale, and this is one of them!
  8. haha I went up, and I got to a bit with clouds and now i have to avoid a bit where a cloud sinks, but you need to time it so you can make it to the next one. nice find
  9. WTF? I got killed by the third spiked wall. Got no clue how you avoid it.
  10. Its aristocracy I wonder if any of them have tried to get the taxpayers to pay their taxes...
  11. Previously I have stayed up til the sun rose (around 5:30 at that time of the year) playing Zelda: windwaker
  12. Revolver

    New Tattoos

    consequently, sigged.
  13. haha It's an amazing feat, 17 minutes!!!
  14. Revolver

    New Tattoos

    that looks badass ^ I get knocked down, but i get up again, you nevah gonna keep me down
  15. Actually, I know a guy who's dog eats shite it finds whilst out for a walk. I saw it with my own eyes!
  16. Is it not? What is it then, O wise OBM?
  17. Electrolysis would do it, but as you say, its inefficient with water so it could never work well enough to power a car. But think, pure oxygen makes stuff burn very quick. Hydrogen is the most volatile/explosive/reactive substance around. Imagine hydrogen going off in pure oxygen... You'd get a scooter engine more powerful than a car. The plus side is, hydrogen + oxygen = water, so when you split the water, then ignite the products, you get more water, which is theoretically an infinite fuel source. Haha, you're a clever one! Yeah, it would be the same with the water if you could split it. You'd only have to top it up every once in a while Some electric cars are pretty quick nowadays.
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