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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. When I piss, its normally the stealth approach, but I sometimes switch to loud piss when my beam of piss has stabilised. haha
  2. It's not proper straight though. The S in superman's done in a font with serifs, try a similar font with your H.
  3. Do it. If i have the space I'm prepared to bash-plant people in the face. Or at least backwheel some part of their body. Its a trials bike though, so its light, which means there's no stopping you picking it up and using it like a hench, bike-shaped club. See how much damage a face does to a trials bike I don't get much trouble. I normally ride in town or in the daylight. Previously though, I've rode home to see: A f**kload of chavs outside the local mini-supermarket, so I steered clear; A f**kload of chavs outside the local pizza takeaway, where I rode past on my mod and with a mate on a P1, and they proper bombed it across the road on their little legs, and ended up basically standing in the way til we rode past. Also got sweared at twats; And finally, to a pile of chavs on the road leading onto mine, and as I predicted, the first phrase I heard them say was, 'Nick his bike'. So obvious they were gonna say that. Lol, so i said, 'Or not' and rode on. Best thing I think if chavs are aiming at you and you're not on a trials bike is to speed the f**k up. Human instinct to dodge stuff like a bike owner who wants to protect his bike.
  4. I think on your H-superman one, if the H was more straight and didn't lean to one side, it would look better
  5. Google it. After a brief search, i didn't manage to find a decent one.
  6. Yep dunno how strong they are.
  7. Hehe, then I can't help How can you do trials and have no balance?!?!? You're an oxymoron.
  8. You afraid of looping out? and as a consequence landing on your head and being knocked out?
  9. Work on backhops and pedalkicks, forget catwalks, they come naturally.
  10. I can't remember anything in particular going wrong on friday.
  11. From two wheels. Its the kind where its basically a rockwalk off the ledge. I can swing my back wheel round, but i can't lift my front end up until the back wheel's on the ground.
  12. Preload to the side you're not going to spin, then, pull round and back. You want to be nearly vertical when you hit 180, that's what it looks like when Martyn Ashton does it. I can get 270 I wanna know how to 180 drop off a ledge
  13. You are a scientist, though... The Scientist.
  14. I have three ideas. The third one is my favourite one, i reckon.
  15. haha, i can't watch this at college, it sounds dodgy
  16. I was wrong! Its HSBC! Get your arse onto: money supermarket and look there, your requirements will be different from anyone elses
  17. Revolver


    Jupiter is the furthest planet away that you can see with your eyes I hope its still there, I've never seen another planet!
  18. http://disasterboy.awardspace.com/uniquetees/index.html I've put the good version of the banner at the top up, what do you think?
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