Do it.
If i have the space I'm prepared to bash-plant people in the face. Or at least backwheel some part of their body.
Its a trials bike though, so its light, which means there's no stopping you picking it up and using it like a hench, bike-shaped club. See how much damage a face does to a trials bike
I don't get much trouble. I normally ride in town or in the daylight. Previously though, I've rode home to see:
A f**kload of chavs outside the local mini-supermarket, so I steered clear;
A f**kload of chavs outside the local pizza takeaway, where I rode past on my mod and with a mate on a P1, and they proper bombed it across the road on their little legs, and ended up basically standing in the way til we rode past. Also got sweared at twats;
And finally, to a pile of chavs on the road leading onto mine, and as I predicted, the first phrase I heard them say was, 'Nick his bike'. So obvious they were gonna say that. Lol, so i said, 'Or not' and rode on. Best thing I think if chavs are aiming at you and you're not on a trials bike is to speed the f**k up. Human instinct to dodge stuff like a bike owner who wants to protect his bike.